Collision grid

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Collision grid

Post by florodude »

Hey guys, what I want is a collision map that is set up by adding another variable to my map. For example, grass would have it's collision set to 1, and you wouldn't be able to pass through it. Here is my map code.

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  Tileset ='tileset1.bmp')
TileW, TileH = 50,50
tilesetW, tilesetH = Tileset:getWidth(), Tileset:getHeight()

  local tileString = [[
  &&&&&&&  sssss
  &#####&  swwws
  &#####&  swwws
  &&&*&&&  sssss

local quadInfo = {
  { ' ', 0,  0 , 0 }, -- grass 
  { 'p', 50,  0 , 0 }, -- spess
  { '&', 0, 50 , 1 }, -- wall
  { '*', 50, 50, 1 },  -- door  ##<<<< See the fourth variable here?  This is the one I want to control collision
  { 'w', 100, 0 , 1},  -- water
  { '#', 0, 100 , 0 },  -- tiles
  { 's', 100, 50 , 0 }  -- sand 

Quads = {}
for _,info in ipairs(quadInfo) do
  -- info[1] = character, info[2]= x, info[3] = y
  Quads[info[1]] =[2], info[3], TileW, TileH, tilesetW, tilesetH)

TileTable = {}

local width = #(tileString:match("[^\n]+"))

for x = 1,width,1 do TileTable[x] = {} end

local rowIndex,columnIndex = 1,1
for row in tileString:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
  assert(#row == width, 'Map is not aligned: width of row ' .. tostring(rowIndex) .. ' should be ' .. tostring(width) .. ', but it is ' .. tostring(#row))
  columnIndex = 1
  for character in row:gmatch(".") do
    TileTable[columnIndex][rowIndex] = character
    columnIndex = columnIndex + 1

columntest = 1
rowtest = 1

function drawmap()
  for columnIndex,column in ipairs(TileTable) do
    for rowIndex,char in ipairs(column) do
      local x,y = (columnIndex-columntest)*TileW, (rowIndex-rowtest)*TileH, Quads[char], x, y)


If it is needed, here's my player movement code.

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gridx = 1
gridy = 1

pdt = dt
gridx = 1
gridy = 1

playerxx = gridx * 50
playeryy = gridy * 50
player ="player.png")

function Drawplayer(), playerxx, playeryy)


function playermove()
function love.keypressed(key)
  if key=='right' then
    gridx = gridx + 1

  elseif key=='up' then
    gridy = gridy - 1

  elseif key=='down' then
    gridy = gridy + 1

  elseif key=='left' then
    gridx = gridx - 1
playerxx = gridx * 50
playeryy = gridy * 50
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Re: Collision grid

Post by micha »

You didn't ask a question, so my wild guess is that you want to know how this is done. Correct?
The answer:
In the movement code, replace this

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if key=='right' then
    gridx = gridx + 1

Code: Select all

if key=='right' and collision[gridx+1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx + 1
which means you check the cell the player is supposed to move to, before you actually move there.

However to make this work you first need to fill the table "collision"

So here:

Code: Select all

Quads = {}
for _,info in ipairs(quadInfo) do
  -- info[1] = character, info[2]= x, info[3] = y
  Quads[info[1]] =[2], info[3], TileW, TileH, tilesetW, tilesetH)
you add the follwing

Code: Select all

Quads = {}
CharToCollision = {}
for _,info in ipairs(quadInfo) do
  -- info[1] = character, info[2]= x, info[3] = y
  Quads[info[1]] =[2], info[3], TileW, TileH, tilesetW, tilesetH)
  CharToCollision[info[1]] = info[4]
If for example you write CharToCollision['p'] you get a 0, which means not-blocked.
Next you extend this part:

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  for character in row:gmatch(".") do
    TileTable[columnIndex][rowIndex] = character
    columnIndex = columnIndex + 1
Like this:

Code: Select all

  for character in row:gmatch(".") do
    TileTable[columnIndex][rowIndex] = character
    collision[columnIndex][rowIndex] = CharToCollision[character]
    columnIndex = columnIndex + 1
Don't forget to initialize the table "collision" before.
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Re: Collision grid

Post by florodude »

First of all, you are like an answer to prayers. However I'm having a noob moment, can you show me how you want me to initialize the collision table?
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Re: Collision grid

Post by micha »

The same as for the TileTable:

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TileTable = {}
for x = 1,width,1 do TileTable[x] = {} end
just substitute "TileTable" with "collision".
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Re: Collision grid

Post by florodude »

Alright, putting all that code in now works without errors, but my char doesn't move.
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Re: Collision grid

Post by micha »

Here is a quick and dirty debuggin tip: Use the commant "print" to output some debugging information. For example when the player is supposed to move, you can output the current coordinates, and the value of the collision table, that is checked. That's how I do debugging.

If that doesn't help, the best is to upload your current .love file.
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Re: Collision grid

Post by florodude »

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Re: Collision grid

Post by micha »

Next time you can upload a love file directly in the forum (no need for mediafire and stuff).

First thing I noticed, your code is not indented correctly. This might sound like extra work for you, but it makes your code more readable.

Second thing, player.lua I found this:

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function playermove()
function love.keypressed(key)
  if key=='right' and collision[gridx+1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx + 1
  elseif key=='up' and collision[gridx][gridy + 1] == 0 then
    gridy = gridy - 1
  elseif key=='down' and collision[gridx][gridy-1] == 0 then
    gridy = gridy + 1
  elseif key=='left' and collision[gridx-1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx - 1
playerxx = gridx * 50
playeryy = gridy * 50
Here you have a function declaration inside a function declaration. That means, every time playermove() is called, the function love.keypressed() is defined again. Even though this principally works, this is not what you want. Instead put this in the main file:

Code: Select all

function love.keypressed(key)
  if gamemode == "playing" then
And in player.lua you write (outside the playermove()!!!)

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function player.keypressed(key)
  if key=='right' and collision[gridx+1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx + 1
  -- the other stuff here

Once you have that, we go for the actual bug:
The player moving stuff should be like this:

Code: Select all

  if key=='right' and collision[gridx+1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx + 1
  elseif key=='up' and collision[gridx][gridy - 1] == 0 then
    gridy = gridy - 1
  elseif key=='down' and collision[gridx][gridy+1] == 0 then
    gridy = gridy + 1
  elseif key=='left' and collision[gridx-1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx - 1
In your code you swapped a + with a -. Compare carefully!

Then in map.lua you have to do the initialization of the variable charToCollision OUTSIDE the loop:

Code: Select all

Quads = {}
CharToCollision = {}
for _,info in ipairs(quadInfo) do
  -- info[1] = character, info[2]= x, info[3] = y
  Quads[info[1]] =[2], info[3], TileW, TileH, tilesetW, tilesetH)
    CharToCollision[info[1]] = info[4]
Otherwise you delete whatever you have written inside before.

And one last thing. The Tilecoordinate system starts with (1,1) in the upper left corner. The player-coordinate-system starts at (0,0). To correct this you need:

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playerxx = (gridx-1) * 50
playeryy = (gridy-1) * 50
Then it should work.
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Re: Collision grid

Post by florodude »

First off, thanks a bunch for taking the time to figure this out. Ok when I do the player.keypressed function, it doesn't seem to work outside of the playermove(). I keep getting an error, and I think the reason is because I'm changing love.keypressed to player.keypressed. Other than that though, I think I fixed everything you told me to. And my player still is not moving.[
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Re: Collision grid

Post by micha »

Sorry my mistake:
Naming the function

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is the problem, because "player" is also the name of the variable for the image (by the way you should better call this playerImage or something).
You can solve this by simple renaming the player.keypressed to any other name, e.g. playerKeypressed(key).

However, just now I found the following is slightly better, because shorter:
You put back everything into the playermove, but this time without the function-within-function:

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function playermove(key)
  if key=='right' and collision[gridx+1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx + 1
  elseif key=='up' and collision[gridx][gridy - 1] == 0 then
    gridy = gridy - 1
  elseif key=='down' and collision[gridx][gridy+1] == 0 then
    gridy = gridy + 1
  elseif key=='left' and collision[gridx-1][gridy] == 0 then
    gridx = gridx - 1
	playerxx = (gridx-1) * 50
	playeryy = (gridy-1) * 50
In the main.lua you do two things:

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function love.keypressed(key)
  if gamemode == 'playing' then
Second: In the function love.update you remove the playermove.

I can upload a working .love, but I suggest you try it yourself first.
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