I want to create a map table that has an [x] and [y] dimension. However, I also want the map to be in layers. This way I could make layer 1 be the basement level, 2 be the floor, and 3 be a roof (or something similar to that). Unfortunately, love seems to crash every time I try to make one.
After some online research, I read that this should work:
Code: Select all
Table = { {{1,1,1},{2,2,2},{3,3,3}}, {{4,4,4},{5,5,5},{6,6,6}} }
After some more experimenting I found I the only way to form 3d+ tables (without crashing) was with this code:
(Code found on: http://www3.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.a ... D=46861712)
Code: Select all
level = { }
for i= 1, 3 do -- 18
level[i] = { }
for j = 1, 18 do --
level[j] = { }
for m = 1, 18 do --
level[m] = { }
But when I try to call on it, It doesn't work! I've tried everything I can think of, including:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
local tempOne = level[x]
local tempTwo = tempOne[x]
local tempThree = tempTwo[x]
value = tempThree[x]
Code: Select all
for i,v in ipairs(level) do
for it, vt in ipairs(i[x]) do
return vt
Anyway, if anybody knows how to make (and call from) 3d tables I would be very grateful. Google has a lot of working 2d examples, but no 3d ones that don't crash my game.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I promise I spent a while trying to figure this out before coming to the forums .