I'll see about this tonight. It seems I have to install dropbox on my local PC to get it to work, and can't upload files through my browser? Never used Dropbox before - correct me if I'm wrong. But I don't want to install it for just this one file.substitute541 wrote:Could you put the download link in dropbox now. I want to download it in a downloader... And yes, I do have a crappy net.
You're using the old version (version 2). The new one is in the text in the first post of this thread - the old one was still hanging at the bottom of the post. Sorry about that, I removed it now. Please try the new version!Taehl wrote:I tried it out for the first time.
1) Loading was super-slow. Why make 19 threads generate images at the same time, instead of generating 1 image at a time?
2) The game brings my whole system to a crawl. Unless I minimize the window (to force-pause it), every action on my desktop takes like 30 seconds to happen.
3) I tried the first tutorial level. I got to the part where it tells you to print("Hello trAIns!"), and am stuck. It won't let me continue the tutorial, despite following its instructions.
Also, I don't understand your remark about threads. Threadding speeds the thing up a lot, because a few of them can run at the same time (if you have a multi-core-system, which is standard these days. Most users have two cores). I agree that 20 threads is way more than most computers can actually compute at the same time, but this is just me being slack, and it should not slow down the game that much. What might be a problem is the memory it takes, maybe I'll make it run a maximum of, say, 4 threads at a time in the future. But making it render one image after the other would take ages.
Also, this rendering process is only done once. Next time you start, it does not render the images again.