[minigame] Circular Pong

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Re: [minigame] Circular Pong

Post by 10$man »

pakoskyfrog wrote:If you had looked inside the code you would have seen :

Code: Select all

function love.update(dt)
    -- platform moving ?
    if platform.pushLeft then
        platform.omega = platform.omega + platform.acc*dt
    elseif platform.pushRight then
        platform.omega = platform.omega - platform.acc*dt
    platform.angle = platform.angle + platform.omega*dt
I got a master's degree in physics... I would be a shame on me to not use an acceleration/velocity/position system ^^

I don't know how you manage to get that much FPS, and it should have an impact on acceleration... unless...

Hmmm, my bad. I though i did something that i didn't ^^ (okay, shame on me :P )
Go back on the first post to have the corrected version.
i also tweaked the controls (eg, you decelerate now twice as much as you accelerate)
Ok, thank you :)
It works much better now!
Looks and runs pretty smooth

My best is 58 Seconds
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Re: [minigame] Circular Pong

Post by substitute541 »

Originally, in the fast paced version, my best was 4.4 seconds. Now, my best is 60.4 or one minute and 0.4 seconds.
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Re: [minigame] Circular Pong

Post by pakoskyfrog »

That's what I call an improvement ^^
My personal record is 87s
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