I'm pretty much a noob at lua and löve programing, but I have programmed in ActionScript, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Pascal, and a little bit of C (I'd say that in terms of programming skills I'm about intermediate). I'm thinking of starting a personal project with löve, an RPG, and was wondering if I could get some pointers on the matter (since I've never actually made one before, but have played plenty of them). I would also like to suggest a couple of features that I believe would be a nice addition to the engine.
The graphics are going to be done in pixel art, I'm hoping to be able to do a sort of Secret of Mana battle system (basically, you can roam around while in battle) with a touch of Chrono Trigger (Single and Combined Techs), and Legend of Legaia (Key Combos) to it, maybe use the particle system for spells and whatnot. It's still basically an idea, haven't really started to do any programming or art for the game yet... In terms of the art, anybody have any good tuts on pixel art? I'm still new to game building, so there are some things that I don't know... Should I load a whole dungeon into memory? Or should I separate it by large sections? Same question applies to world map. Any suggestions?
In terms of some features that I think would be a nice addition to the engine... A cool feature would be gamepad support. Does SDL support gamepad input devices? Would it be possible to define in the game.conf file the location and the name (if it is not named main.lua) of the main lua script, instead of always having it in the root directory of the game folder (if nothing is specified in the game.conf file it should use the default settings)? I noticed that you are able to control individual volume levels of sound objects, but not music objects... Why not use the same system for both music and sound objects (individual volume controls)? Just one last thing, since I've never actually programmed in lua before, but have programmed in other languages, a great addition to the documentation (which I'm sure other users would also benefit from) would be a beginners guide or such, a very simple program that teaches us how to declare variables, arrays, objects, etc... Y'know, the basics, just to get a feel for the language.
I know that my personal project is a bit big and difficult to make... Considering that I still have a lot to learn. It's basically a little dream of mine to be able to make something like this, your engine is quite simple to use, open source, and multi-platform, it's got a particle system (and a physics engine is on the way, nice) it's perfect for what I want to do.
I'll close this message with a congratulations, your documentation is very good, your engine is very well done, simple and fun to use. I guess I'm in löve (sorry, that one was inevitable :lol: ).