A not too recent changelog (and probably incomplete, but anyway)
Changelog wrote:
LOVE 0.6.0
* Added love.graphics.print()/printf().
* Added unicode-translated parameter to love.keypressed().
* Added love.event.
* Added love.filesystem.setIdentity().
* Added experimental support for Lua lanes.
* Added OpenAL dependency.
* Added SDL_sound dependency.
* Fixed love.fileystem problems with internal \0 in strings.
* Fixed love.filesystem.mkdir/remove not working when write directory not set.
* Fixed position of Window.
* Changed parameter order of draws().
* Changed origin for images to top-left.
* Changed love.filesystem.open to accept mode (removed from love.filesystem.newFile).
* Changed love.filesystem.read() which now returns two parameters (data, length).
* Changed love.filesystem.write() which now takes up to four parameters (file, data, length, mode).
* Removed love.graphics.draw() for strings.
* Removed love.system.
* Removed conf files.
* Removed SWIG.
* Removed boost.
* Removed SDL_mixer.
I can add that the filesystem now works like:
Code: Select all
file = love.filesystem.newFile("myfile.txt")
for line in file:lines() do
Next a statement in one of the commits: "Terminated SDL_sound and ALUT dependencies. Also removed love.sound.sdlsound, which is being replaced by love.sound.lullaby."
love.sound.lullaby is our own sound decoder (well, it depends on other libs to function, but anyway), currently uses libmodplug and libmpg123 (if I'm not forgetting one)
And probably some other stuff.
Btw, that love.native I mentioned earlier, check out the "Hate: In love with C" topic, and especially
http://love2d.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... t=20#p7353 (and my post following it)
Example lua code (from the linked post):
Code: Select all
-- main.lua
love.native.compile("leet.c") -- Compiled and relocated.
print(leet.test()) -- 1337
EDIT: Woah.. that's a lot, and you don't need the word "hate" highlighted (link-fix)