[TPE1] Another Castle! | an old-school platformer

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[TPE1] Another Castle! | an old-school platformer

Post by scutheotaku »

[UPDATE Feb 14, 2013]
Alpha 0.6 released.
The previous problems with physics and collisions misbehaving at lower framerates should now be fixed. Grab the new version under "Download Links" below :)


[UPDATE Feb 13, 2013]
Playable tech demo released!


After working on this in my spare time for the last ten or eleven days, I've managed to put together a fairly solid tech demo. Features in the game/demo so far:
  • Old-school platformer "physics," partially based on the physics from the original Super Mario Bros. (particularly how the gravity worked)
  • Efficient and accurate collision-handling (for the most part...see "bugs" below), courtesy of the excellent bump.lua library
  • The ability to import .tmx files made with Tiled, including objects, object properties, and map properties (e.g. some maps can have heavier or lighter gravity, if desired), courtesy of the Advanced Tile Loader library
  • Fully working guard "monster" that patrols back and forth, "kills" you if you touch it, and dies if you jump on its head (Mario-style)
  • A door and key system (pick up a blue key and blue doors open, pick up a red key and red doors open, etc...)
  • A camera system
  • Animations, thanks to the anim8 library
  • Some placeholder music and effects
There are a few known bugs:
  • Sometimes if the player is holding the jump button while running right or left into a wall whose top is 1 tile higher than the feet of the player, the player will "pop" up to the top of that wall. I'm sure that this has to do with my player collision code (as opposed to a glitch in bump.lua), though I haven't figured it out yet.
  • Sometimes (oftentimes) the guard monsters' sprites will appear to shake while moving. This too seems to do with collision. I'm pretty sure it is caused by how I am detecting horizontal collisions with walls (which would trigger the guard to flip his horizontal direction)
If you find any more bugs, please let me know!

Oh, and it's worth mentioning that I created all of the graphics, sound, etc... from scratch. The music and sound effects are just placeholders, but I'm pretty sure the graphics are permanent (even though they're a little rough...but I guess that fits in with the retro theme, in a way).

You can find my Posterous post on it here (I'll be updating my progress along the way here):
http://scutheotaku.posterous.com/anothe ... -05-update

Thanks for checking this out! I'd love to hear what you think, good or bad :)


Download Links:
Another Castle, Alpha 0.6, LOVE file (approx. 1.9mb)
Another Castle, Alpha 0.6, Windows Binary, uses LuaJIT (approx. 4.7mb)

Left and right arrow keys to move
Up arrow key or "x" key to jump
"h" key to show hitboxes (for debugging)


Original post:
"Another Castle!", my entry (or what will be my entry) for the "February Themed Project Event: Löve in all the Wrong Places"

Another Castle will be a "simple", old-school platformer where our hero quests to find the princess he has fallen in love with. Unfortunately, he literally keeps looking for love in all the wrong places, as, until the final level, the "princess is in another castle." You see, she's on her annual tour of her kingdom. So our hero-peasant must go from castle to castle, dodging guards, cannons, etc..., in search for her.

I just started this last night (February 3rd), and I currently have most of the graphics (including animations) completed. I've also, with a little help from AdvancedTileLoader and AdvancedTileCollider, implemented a basic platforming engine. I want to keep a lot of the gameplay simple so that I can focus on 1. smooth, accurate platforming gameplay, and 2. level design (probably my weakest point when it comes to platformers).

PS: The background of the game won't actually be black...different castles will have different backgrounds and slightly different tilesets (though not every castle will be unique...instead it will alternate between 4 or 5 different looks).
Last edited by scutheotaku on Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:02 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [TPE1] Another Castle! | PreAlpha

Post by BulbaMander »

It might be cool to add coins and an upgrade shop. You know some little rpg elements if you have time. I always love games that have a pinch of customization.
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Re: [TPE1] Another Castle! | PreAlpha

Post by scutheotaku »

Just added a playable demo and some more info - see the first post :)
BulbaMander wrote:It might be cool to add coins and an upgrade shop. You know some little rpg elements if you have time. I always love games that have a pinch of customization.
The upgrade shop is a cool idea, but I think that I want to keep this more of a...pure (?) experience.
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Re: [TPE1] Another Castle! | an old-school platformer

Post by pakoskyfrog »

Hi !

I've got a nice feeling about you're game (dare i say that i like the retro style ? ^^), waiting for the evolutions.
I would have just two remarks, first you're hero seems to have a rocket jumper pack, we get used to it but at first it feels strange.
Secondly, when i died sometimes the hero falls and re-spawn multiple times, it's really fast but i think around 3 times.
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Re: [TPE1] Another Castle! | an old-school platformer

Post by scutheotaku »

pakoskyfrog wrote:Hi !

I've got a nice feeling about you're game (dare i say that i like the retro style ? ^^), waiting for the evolutions.
I would have just two remarks, first you're hero seems to have a rocket jumper pack, we get used to it but at first it feels strange.
Secondly, when i died sometimes the hero falls and re-spawn multiple times, it's really fast but i think around 3 times.

As far as the "rocket jumper pack" part, and also the player respawning several times in a row (which is from missed collision calls causing the player to fall through the floor), these have to do with some bugs that arise at lower framerates (<100fps). I've fixed much of this ( http://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16202 ), so expect it all to be completely fixed by the next version I upload :)

This has now been fixed (I think! :ultraglee: ). See the first post.
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