hello, i have a problem on installing love from source. i added all needing lib files to my system. and the make procedure also works fine, but after make i change to the bin folder and start love i get the following message:
The loader is called ld.so, and /etc/ld.so.conf is its config file. ldconfig compiles /etc/ld.so.conf into a file called /etc/ld.so.cache which ld.so can use directly (it contains every dynamic libraries available to the loader).
If you're interested, have a look at the manpage of ld.so (for example here).
Is this what apt-get does each time I install a library?
Exactly, if you expand the "console" view while installing something with Synaptic, you can even read something like "Triggered deferred ldconfig". That way, if you're installing many libs, you don't have to rebuild ld's cache a gazillion times. Neato.