Sector 53 [RPG/Ship Shooter]

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Kjell Granlund
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Re: Sector 53 [RPG/Ship Shooter]

Post by Kjell Granlund »

Ok well I finally have most of the kinks worked out. This demo will show the inventory system so far.


So now I have the item on the right with the amount you currently have. Above that is the current shield (to test changes). When you hover your mouse over the item it will give you a description. When you drag the mouse and let go but are not on a valid spot then the item will snap back to where you grabbed it. If the item changes positions and you move it again but not to a valid spot then it will snap back to its new position. If you place the item on the white squire then you will give the bonus to shield. If you take it back off and put it back into the inventory then it will take the bonus away. Whew that was alot.

So next on the list of things to do is somehow make a detection to see if an item is currently taking up the white square. If it is then I have two choices. I can "A" make the items swap or I can "B" make a currently taken position an invalid spot to place the item. I am not sure which one I should choose. I think this next bit might take me awhile to figure out. And as always once I do then I will need to clean up the code.

If you see something wrong with my code please let me know. This is mostly for concept and not part of the actual game. Once I get it working then I will hook it into the game using the games data instead of some random numbers. Thanks again and I hope you like.

**EDIT** I know I have spelling errors. I just noticed in my post and in the code. Sigh...

Also here are the old battle engines I am working on the newest one and. There are two versions. One is simple and works and the other is buggy as hell. The newest version of the game will always be in the original post (first message).
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Last edited by Kjell Granlund on Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Kjell Granlund
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Re: Sector 53 [RPG/Ship Shooter]

Post by Kjell Granlund »

A major update. The game is now well a game... There is an enemy and a player. You have multiple weapons and the game play is faster for a action feel. The new controls are 'wasd' or arrows to move, 'f' and 'g' or keypad '1' and '2' to fire. The 'm' key will mute the music and escape now leaves the game. Would love some feed back. Also the health system works and the AI now takes the players movement to factor it into its own movement. I think I will rewrite the code one more time if my next tests work out right. The .love will be attached.

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Kjell Granlund
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Video of newest version

Post by Kjell Granlund »

This version is not ready for release, but here is a small video of the direction I am going. I plan on adding multiple enemies and things like astroids that can collide into you or the enemy of that you can shoot and destroy. In this the missles have a tracking. The newest one has the missle delay when launched and then pick up speed as it tracks. Looks really cool. Had to mess with the math and graphs to get what I wanted.
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