I have implemented languages support.
Now I need someone that would be kind enough to translate from english to anything that is not Spanish (which is my mother language).
German, French, Portuguese, Japanese and Russian would be appreciated, but any other language too.
Actually it is only to translate some phrases such as "You cannot attack " or "You move your mage to " and so on.
By the way there are only a couple of phrases, but the final game will have several more.
Here are the phrases, if anyone is up for it.
Please, take into account that the phrases should be short, since the log message window doesn't have much width so the maximum amount of characters in the phrase is 46, whitespaces included.
Code: Select all
"Welcome to "
"Version is "
"You attack the "
"You cannot attack your own creatures"
"You cannot move that far"
"You move your mage "
"Select cell to move your mage"
"Select cell to move your creature"
"That creature does not belong to you"
Thanks in advance.