Looking for translators

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Looking for translators

Post by Ubermann »


I have implemented languages support.
Now I need someone that would be kind enough to translate from english to anything that is not Spanish (which is my mother language).

German, French, Portuguese, Japanese and Russian would be appreciated, but any other language too.

Actually it is only to translate some phrases such as "You cannot attack " or "You move your mage to " and so on.

By the way there are only a couple of phrases, but the final game will have several more.

Here are the phrases, if anyone is up for it.
Please, take into account that the phrases should be short, since the log message window doesn't have much width so the maximum amount of characters in the phrase is 46, whitespaces included.

Code: Select all

"Welcome to "
"Version is "
"You attack the "
"You cannot attack your own creatures"
"You cannot move that far"
"You move your mage "

"Select cell to move your mage"
"Select cell to move your creature"

"That creature does not belong to you"
Credits will be given to whoever translates something.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by Nixola »

Italian ("Italiano"):

Code: Select all

"Benvenuto a " --may be different, depending on the words after it...
"Versione "
"Attacchi il " --note: this sentence is used for male enemies whose name starts with a consonant different than S, or if the S is followed by a vowel; it's different if the creature is female, or if its name starts with S followed by a consonant or if it starts with a vowel
"Non puoi attaccare le tue creature"
"Non  puoi muoverti così lontano"
"Muovi il tuo mago " --this isn't ok like this, I have to know what can follow it

"Scegli una cella dove muovere il tuo mago"
"Scegli una cella dove muovere la creatura"

"Quella creatura non è tua"
Last edited by Nixola on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by Yell0w »

Nynorsk / Norwegian

Code: Select all

"Velkommen til "
"Din versjon er "
"Du angrip  "
"Du kan ikkje angripa eigne styrkar"
"Du kan ikkje bevega deg så longt"
"Du flyttar på magikaren din "

"Vel ei rute for å flytta magikaren din"
"Vel ei rute for å flytta einheta di"

"Den einheta høyrer ikkje til deg"
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by IndieKid »


Code: Select all

"Добро пожаловать в "
"Версия "
"Вы атаковали "
"Вы не можете атаковать своих собственных существ"
"Вы не можете пойти так далеко"
"Вы переместили своего мага "

"Выберите поле, куда переместить мага"
"Выберите поле, куда переместить существо"

"Это существо не принадлежит Вам"
I'm not sure if font will support some chars. If so, I recommend you to make several fonts for your game. Ask me for any help :nyu:
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by MarekkPie »

"Howdy! "
"Model number "
"You hit that "
"Whoa! Friendly fire!"
"I'm beat."
"You magic fella' moved "

"Click on sumthin' to go there, magic fella'"
"Click on sumthin' to move your pet"

"Don't be stealin' other people's stuff!"
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by Ubermann »

Thanks for all translations ^_^
More will come the next days.

No French or German?

Nixola wrote:Italian ("Italiano"):
"Benvenuto a " --may be different, depending on the words after it...
It is used for "Welcome to <game_name>"

And still don't have a name defined. Probably "Welcome to War of Magus" or something similar.
Nixola wrote:"Muovi il tuo mago " --this isn't ok like this, I have to know what can follow it
You move your mage to (6,7)

Basically, the cell destination.
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by Nixola »

Ubermann wrote:
Nixola wrote:Italian ("Italiano"):
"Benvenuto a " --may be different, depending on the words after it...
It is used for "Welcome to <game_name>"
Then it'll probably be "Benvenuto in "
Ubermann wrote:
Nixola wrote:"Muovi il tuo mago " --this isn't ok like this, I have to know what can follow it
You move your mage to (6,7)

Basically, the cell destination.
Then, it's either "Muovi il tuo mago " (Move your mage to) or "Muovi il tuo mago nella cella " (Move your mage to the X cell)
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by Zamp »

French / Français

Code: Select all

"Bienvenue sur"
"Version "
"Vous attaquez "
"Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer vos propres créatures"
"Vous ne pouvez pas bouger aussi loin"
"Vous déplacez votre mage en (6,7)"

"Sélectionnez une case pour y déplacer votre mage"
--Sounds less good but < 46 char : "Sélectionnez la destination de votre mage"
"Sélectionnez une case pour y déplacer votre créature"
--Sounds less good but < 46 char : "Sélectionnez la destination de votre créature"

"Cette créature ne vous appartient pas"
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by Xugro »

German / Deutsch

Code: Select all

"Sei willkommen bei "
"Die Version ist "
"Du greifst ... an" -- ... must be replaced by the target. Sry, that is german grammar.
"Du kannst deine eigenen Kreaturen nicht angreifen"
"Du kannst dich nicht so weit bewegen"
"Du bewegest deinen Magier zu "

"Wähle die Zelle aus, um deinen Magier zu bewegen" -- for a specific cell
"Wähle eine Zelle aus, um deinen Magier zu bewegen" -- for a unspecificed cell
"Wähle die Zelle aus, um deine Kreatur zu bewegen" -- for a specific cell
"Wähle eine Zelle aus, um deine Kreatur zu bewegen" -- for a unspecificed cell

"Diese Kreatur gehört dir nicht"
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Re: Looking for translators

Post by plz_m0ve »


Code: Select all

"Velkommen til "
"Versionen er "
"Du angriber "
"Du kan ikke angribe dine egne monstre"
"Du kan ikke gå så langt"
"Du flytter din magiker"

"Vælg celle for at flytte din magiker"
"Vælg celle til at flytte dit monster"
"Det monster tilhører ikke dig"
I dont know about if you can type in the danish letters, æøå, but the translate shouldent be a problem.
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