[resolved] Simple function error

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Posts: 64
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[resolved] Simple function error

Post by stout »

RESOLVED: was calling propulationGeneration() wrong at one point, threw things off. Thanks Boolsheet!

Issue is in popgen.lua. The trip is at line 27 (the line: populationMapData[y][x][#populationMapData[y][x] + 1] = popID ) but the culprit is down in populationGeneration() function.

If you collapse the plocY and plocX in populationGeneration() into a single 'location' variable, so that the function looks like this:

function populationGeneration(sex, age, parent1, parent2, location, familyName, children)

..there's no problem (except that everyone's last name is plocX). The tables get sorted properly and everyone is where they're supposed to be. But trying to separate them causes this crash for reasons I don't understand. Why doesn't populationSort() see location[1] and [2] when I change the setup of populationGeneration()?

Code: Select all

popStep = 0 -- simple state variable

population = {} -- master population table; only gets added to and modified; entries should NEVER be removed
populationMapView = {} -- used for displaying settlements
populationMapData = {} -- quick-access record for location-based sorting. directory of every person in a tile. 

namesFirst = {"Bob", "Cheryl", "Wondermark", "Frances", "Tilly", "Bandit", "Dustball", "Nicky", "Twinkie", "Phil", "Michelle", "Michael", "James", "Barbara", "Bobera", 
				"Ryan", "Hark", "Vagrant", "Diskdrive"}
namesFamily = {"Teacup", "Nelson", "Goins", "Molis", "California", "Knitting", "Nail File", "Speaker", "Pubface", "Facepub", "Honeytoes", "Fungustoes"}

function populationMapGeneration()
	for y = 1, worldSize do
		populationMapView[y] = {}  
		populationMapData[y] = {}            
          for x = 1, worldSize do
			populationMapView[y][x] = 1 
			populationMapData[y][x] = {}

function populationSort()
	for popID,person in ipairs(population) do -- sort the population{} into the populationMapData{} location tables
		local y = population[popID].location[1]
		local x = population[popID].location[2]
			populationMapData[y][x][#populationMapData[y][x] + 1] = popID

function seedPopulation()
	local seedCheck = { }
	for seed = 1,3 do -- set initial population points
			plocY = math.random(worldSize)
			plocX = math.random(worldSize)
			--return plocY, plocX -- not working?
		until worldMap[plocY][plocX] == 2 and populationMapView[plocY][plocX] ~= 2 
		populationMapView[plocY][plocX] = 2
		seedCheck[seed] = plocY, plocX

		for i = 1,20 do -- create 20 women per seed
			local randomage = math.random(20,50)
			local randomname = math.random(1,#namesFamily)
			populationGeneration("female",randomage,"norec", "norec", plocY, plocX, namesFamily[randomname])

		for i = 1,20 do -- create 20 men per seed
			local randomage = math.random(20,50)
			populationGeneration("male",randomage,"norec","norec", plocY, plocX, "new")

		for i = 1,10 do -- create 10 children per seed
			local parentF = fill
			local parentM = fill
			local ransexnum = math.random(100)
			local ransex = fill
			if ransexnum > 50 then
				ransex = "female"
			else ransex = "male"
			if seed == 1 then
				parentF = math.random(1,20)
				parentM = math.random(21,40)
			elseif seed == 2 then
				parentF = math.random(51,70)
				parentM = math.random(71,90)
			elseif seed == 3 then
				parentF = math.random(101,120)
				parentM = math.random(121,140)
			populationGeneration(ransex,0,parentF, parentM, population[parentF].location, population[parentF].nameFamily) 
			local newkid = population[#population]
			population[parentF].lastbirth = {1,1}
			population[parentF].children = population[parentF].children + 1
			population[parentM].children = population[parentM].children + 1

			population[parentF].child = newkid
			population[parentM].child = newkid

	end -- ending initial population points


end -- ending seedPopulation

function populationGeneration(sex, age, parent1, parent2, plocY, plocX, familyName, children)

	local newpop = #population + 1
	population[newpop] = {}
	local newpopnameFirst = math.random(1,#namesFirst)
	population[newpop].nameFirst = namesFirst[newpopnameFirst]
	population[newpop].nameFamily = familyName
	population[newpop].sex = sex
	--population[newpop].birthdate = birthdate -- add later with calendar!
	population[newpop].age = age --currentDate - birthdate -- add later with calendar!
	population[newpop].parents = {parent1, parent2}
	population[newpop].location = {plocY, plocX}
	population[newpop].children = 0
	population[newpop].alive = "yes"
end -- ending populationGeneration
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Last edited by stout on Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:42 pm

Re: Simple function error

Post by stout »

Still have no idea what's causing this.
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