Hey guys.
ATM I'm working on a game with a friend(viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12184).
But for some reason the performance of Löve-Games is really bad on my computer. But, hey, I'm playing Crysis 2 and Skyrim(And many more. Don't judge about my taste ), so my system can't be THAT bad, beeing not even able to handle a 2d-engine. Not even the rubber piggy runs properly.
My specs:
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 32-bit SP3
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz
RAM: 2,00 GB Single-Kanal DDR2 @ 399MHz (5-5-5-18)
Graphics: 512 MBATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
I know it's old, but it's still functional I wan't a new one so bad....
Well, do you have any ideas why Löve sucks on my system?
Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
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- Lightcycler
- Prole
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:31 pm
Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
Games like Crysis 2 and Skyrim usually use Direct3D, whereas LÖVE uses OpenGL. ATI has been known for incomplete support of OpenGL. (Not sure if we can thank AMD for an improvement here.) The first suggestion would be to update the graphics driver.
Before you update, it would be interesting to see if you actually get an accelerated OpenGL context or if your system falls back to the Microsoft software renderer. Download wglinfo and execute save_to_file.bat. It will create a opengl_info.txt in the same directory with information about the OpenGL implementation that creates the context. I'd like to see what it says.
Before you update, it would be interesting to see if you actually get an accelerated OpenGL context or if your system falls back to the Microsoft software renderer. Download wglinfo and execute save_to_file.bat. It will create a opengl_info.txt in the same directory with information about the OpenGL implementation that creates the context. I'd like to see what it says.
Shallow indentations.
- Lightcycler
- Prole
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:31 pm
Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
Ok, thanks for your reply.
I executed the .bat, here is what it said:
I executed the .bat, here is what it said:
Code: Select all
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
OpenGL version string: 3.3.11631 Compatibility Profile Context
OpenGL extensions (GL_):
GL_AMDX_debug_output, GL_AMDX_vertex_shader_tessellator,
GL_AMD_conservative_depth, GL_AMD_debug_output, GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate,
GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend, GL_AMD_name_gen_delete,
GL_AMD_performance_monitor, GL_AMD_pinned_memory, GL_AMD_sample_positions,
GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture, GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export,
GL_AMD_texture_cube_map_array, GL_AMD_texture_texture4,
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator, GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility,
GL_ARB_base_instance, GL_ARB_blend_func_extended, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float,
GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage, GL_ARB_conservative_depth,
GL_ARB_copy_buffer, GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float, GL_ARB_depth_clamp,
GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend,
GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_ARB_draw_instanced,
GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location, GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions,
GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow,
GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB,
GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, GL_ARB_get_program_binary, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel,
GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, GL_ARB_imaging, GL_ARB_instanced_arrays,
GL_ARB_internalformat_query, GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment,
GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_multitexture,
GL_ARB_occlusion_query, GL_ARB_occlusion_query2, GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object,
GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_provoking_vertex,
GL_ARB_sample_shading, GL_ARB_sampler_objects, GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map,
GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects, GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding,
GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_ARB_shader_precision,
GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export, GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod,
GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack,
GL_ARB_shading_language_packing, GL_ARB_shadow, GL_ARB_shadow_ambient,
GL_ARB_sync, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object,
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32, GL_ARB_texture_compression,
GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map,
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array, GL_ARB_texture_env_add,
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar,
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_texture_float, GL_ARB_texture_gather,
GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_texture_multisample,
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_ARB_texture_query_lod,
GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, GL_ARB_texture_rg, GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui,
GL_ARB_texture_snorm, GL_ARB_texture_storage, GL_ARB_timer_query,
GL_ARB_transform_feedback2, GL_ARB_transform_feedback3,
GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix,
GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object, GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra,
GL_ARB_vertex_array_object, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object,
GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_ARB_vertex_shader,
GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, GL_ARB_viewport_array, GL_ARB_window_pos,
GL_ATI_draw_buffers, GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap, GL_ATI_fragment_shader,
GL_ATI_meminfo, GL_ATI_separate_stencil, GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc,
GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ATI_texture_float,
GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra,
GL_EXT_bindable_uniform, GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate,
GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract,
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_EXT_copy_buffer, GL_EXT_copy_texture,
GL_EXT_direct_state_access, GL_EXT_draw_buffers2, GL_EXT_draw_instanced,
GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit,
GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object,
GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_EXT_geometry_shader4,
GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters, GL_EXT_gpu_shader4, GL_EXT_histogram,
GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil, GL_EXT_packed_float,
GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object, GL_EXT_point_parameters,
GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_EXT_secondary_color,
GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap,
GL_EXT_subtexture, GL_EXT_texgen_reflection, GL_EXT_texture3D,
GL_EXT_texture_array, GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object,
GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc, GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc,
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_cube_map,
GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp, GL_EXT_texture_env_add,
GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3,
GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_texture_integer,
GL_EXT_texture_lod, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp,
GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB,
GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent, GL_EXT_texture_snorm,
GL_EXT_texture_storage, GL_EXT_texture_swizzle, GL_EXT_timer_query,
GL_EXT_transform_feedback, GL_EXT_vertex_array, GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra,
GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_NV_blend_square,
GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_copy_image,
GL_NV_explicit_multisample, GL_NV_float_buffer, GL_NV_half_float,
GL_NV_primitive_restart, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_NV_texture_barrier,
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, GL_SGIS_texture_lod,
GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays, GL_WIN_swap_hint, WGL_EXT_swap_control.
visual x bf lv rg d st ge ge r g b a ax dp st accum buffs ms
id dep cl sp sz l ci b ro ne ac sz sz sz sz bf th cl r g b a ns b
0x01 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 . . . . . .
0x02 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 . . . . . .
0x03 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 . . . . . .
0x04 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 . . . . . .
0x05 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 . . . . . .
0x06 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x07 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x08 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x09 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x0a 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x0b 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 . . . . . .
0x0c 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 . . . . . .
0x0d 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 . . . . . .
0x0e 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 . . . . . .
0x0f 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 . . . . . .
0x10 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x11 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x12 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 . 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x13 32 wn . 32 . r . . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x14 32 wn . 32 . r y . . . 8 8 8 8 4 24 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x45 32 wn . 32 . r . . y . 8 8 8 . . 32 8 16 16 16 . . .
0x46 32 wn . 32 . r . . y . 8 8 8 . . 16 8 16 16 16 . . .
0x47 32 wn . 32 . r y . y . 8 8 8 . . 32 8 16 16 16 . . .
0x48 32 wn . 32 . r y . y . 8 8 8 . . 16 8 16 16 16 . . .
0x49 32 wn . 32 . r . . y . 8 8 8 8 . 32 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x4a 32 wn . 32 . r . . y . 8 8 8 8 . 16 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x4b 32 wn . 32 . r y . y . 8 8 8 8 . 32 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x4c 32 wn . 32 . r y . y . 8 8 8 8 . 16 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x4d 32 wn . 32 . c . . y . . . . . . 32 8 . . . . . .
0x4e 32 wn . 32 . c . . y . . . . . . 16 8 . . . . . .
0x4f 32 wn . 32 . c y . y . . . . . . 32 8 . . . . . .
0x50 32 wn . 32 . c y . y . . . . . . 16 8 . . . . . .
0x51 24 bm . 24 . r . . y . 8 8 8 . . 32 8 16 16 16 . . .
0x52 24 bm . 24 . r . . y . 8 8 8 . . 16 8 16 16 16 . . .
0x53 24 bm . 24 . r . . y . 8 8 8 8 . 32 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x54 24 bm . 24 . r . . y . 8 8 8 8 . 16 8 16 16 16 16 . .
0x55 24 bm . 24 . c . . y . . . . . . 32 8 . . . . . .
0x56 24 bm . 24 . c . . y . . . . . . 16 8 . . . . . .
0x57 16 bm . 16 . r . . y . 5 5 5 . . 32 8 11 11 10 . . .
0x58 16 bm . 16 . r . . y . 5 5 5 . . 16 8 11 11 10 . . .
0x59 16 bm . 16 . r . . y . 5 5 5 8 . 32 8 8 8 8 8 . .
0x5a 16 bm . 16 . r . . y . 5 5 5 8 . 16 8 8 8 8 8 . .
0x5b 16 bm . 16 . c . . y . . . . . . 32 8 . . . . . .
0x5c 16 bm . 16 . c . . y . . . . . . 16 8 . . . . . .
0x5d 8 bm . 8 . r . . y . 3 3 2 . . 32 8 11 11 10 . . .
0x5e 8 bm . 8 . r . . y . 3 3 2 . . 16 8 11 11 10 . . .
0x5f 8 bm . 8 . r . . y . 3 3 2 8 . 32 8 8 8 8 8 . .
0x60 8 bm . 8 . r . . y . 3 3 2 8 . 16 8 8 8 8 8 . .
0x61 8 bm . 8 . c . . y . . . . . . 32 8 . . . . . .
0x62 8 bm . 8 . c . . y . . . . . . 16 8 . . . . . .
0x63 4 bm . 4 . r . . y . 1 1 1 . . 32 8 5 6 5 . . .
0x64 4 bm . 4 . r . . y . 1 1 1 . . 16 8 5 6 5 . . .
0x65 4 bm . 4 . r . . y . 1 1 1 8 . 32 8 4 4 4 4 . .
0x66 4 bm . 4 . r . . y . 1 1 1 8 . 16 8 4 4 4 4 . .
0x67 4 bm . 4 . c . . y . . . . . . 32 8 . . . . . .
0x68 4 bm . 4 . c . . y . . . . . . 16 8 . . . . . .
visual x bf lv rg d st ge ge r g b a ax dp st accum buffs ms
id dep cl sp sz l ci b ro ne ac sz sz sz sz bf th cl r g b a ns b
Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
Also, are you using vsync? My quad core 3.2 GHz i5 monster with a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 460 1GB OC goes to a pathetic struggling crawl whenever vsync is on (not just LÖVE, entire computer lags horribly) but if I turn vsync off I get 800 FPS easily and it works like a charm.
My game called Hat Cat and the Obvious Crimes Against the Fundamental Laws of Physics is out now!
- Lightcycler
- Prole
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:31 pm
Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
I'm not sure. On the other thread it was said we should use vsync, if I got that right.
Oh, by the way- will I be able to switch my telescreen off when I'm an inner party member? It's quite annoying
Oh, by the way- will I be able to switch my telescreen off when I'm an inner party member? It's quite annoying
- bartbes
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Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
Your.. telescreen?Lightcycler wrote: Oh, by the way- will I be able to switch my telescreen off when I'm an inner party member? It's quite annoying
- BlackBulletIV
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Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
Yeah, what's that? Also, if I understand correctly, inner party member isn't an automatic rank, the admins/moderators manually give the rank.Lightcycler wrote:Oh, by the way- will I be able to switch my telescreen off when I'm an inner party member? It's quite annoying
- kikito
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Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
I want a telescreen.
When I write def I mean function.
- Lightcycler
- Prole
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:31 pm
Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
Ohhh, I thought it was related to the posting-count...BlackBulletIV wrote:the admins/moderators manually give the rank.
EDIT: Proles and inner party are references to George Owells book 1984, and the telescreen is an important item from the book.
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Re: Löve/Lua-Performance sucks on my PC... why?
Aren't those the things from "1984"?bartbes wrote:Your.. telescreen?Lightcycler wrote: Oh, by the way- will I be able to switch my telescreen off when I'm an inner party member? It's quite annoying
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