Aa..aahH - something like an Hack'n Slash

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Aa..aahH - something like an Hack'n Slash

Post by wolrajhti »

EDIT : the last release is attached to my last answer, thx

Hi Everybody,

this is my first topic but i'm following löve actuality since about five monthes. I love Luas simplicity and löve is Awesome.. I've spent a lot of time playing with löve functions :)

I first tried to make a racer game but now i find the idea boring. I made it very simple but I wanted to modelize something like a drift when you're turning the wheels. I attached the game in the original topview version and in an other version including the awesome scanline rendering from the game Nurburgring (thanks to Retrotails) found on this forum.

Right now I am working on a HnS with a simple top view. I want to make something very simple but nice. just squared with a shader to generate nice shadows..(I attach a test of shader not include or not working on the version a send, right now I am working on others parts of the game)
I want to make something fast to draw a lot of monsters on the screen for a very intence and bloody massacre :D. I just finish the class Weapon which allow me to generate different type of weapon with about 10 parameters.

I have to modify or add a lot of things, every ideas are welcome! I hope I will be able to update this topic as much as possible.

Thanks to everybody, I copy/paste a lot of lines from your games :)

Controls : ZQSD to move the hero (white square), mouse to rotate view, left click to shoot.
Weapons : press 1 to select the shootgun, 2 for the submachine gun and 3 for the something like a grenade but without the throw :/...
This is just a demo, I want to add something like a blowing area in the fire direction to push away ennemies. white and yellow rays are only here to understand how it works.

in the TopView version you can hide information with "i", wheels positions with "t" and curve trajectory with "v"

thanks and have fun!

(and sorry for my english :/)
Last edited by wolrajhti on Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

Couldn't try the Hack'n'slash, as my graphic card can't afford canvas.
Anyway, I loved the two others. That's great stuff, man.

Just for what it's worth, love.graphics.setColor accepts tables, no need to unpack them before.
And you should probably define these colors as locals inside color.lua, unless you need them to be accessible from everywhere in the code (plain globals).

Code: Select all

-- legit, since Love 0.7.2
love.graphics.setColor({0, 255, 255, 255})
Same for love.graphics.setBackgroundColor.

As for the gameplay, it goes too fast, drifts too fast...I can hardly maintain the vehicle on the road. :) (the 2.5D racing demo, I mean)
Keep it up!

Also, I thought that this similar topic can interest, or at least inspire you.

PS: And oh...Seems you're french. me too :)
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by wolrajhti »

Thanks, you're right I'm french :)

ok for the tip for setColor and setBackgroundColor... I have a lot a things to fix and rewrite in a cleaner way.

I didn't set the correct speed or the drift coefficient and thresholds. I only code something that can drift :).. In the game following your link the car is just (I think) a point, I tried to modelize a more realistic car with a gyrations radius. Anyway there is a lot to do for compete DiRT 3 :awesome:

Sry to hear that you can't play the game...Does a lot of people will have the same issue?

I attach an other version with shooting "onomatopoeia" and a screenshot of the shaded version
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

wolrajhti wrote: Sry to hear that you can't play the game...Does a lot of people will have the same issue?
Well, no. Just people having crappy computers, Intel cards with OpenGL 1.5 implementation, like me. :awesome:
How did you work out the math/physics stuff to model the vehicle ? From specific resources, or just entering in trance mode ? :awesome:
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by wolrajhti »

I used nothing for coding, only some notions of physics and polar geometry, but formulas are not physically right: I didn't take care of the weight, inertia, etc.

to explain the main mecanism of the car, its trajectory is always defined by a circle, unless the front and rear wheels are colinears. So when you turn, you drive along the circle and at the end of the curve your tangential velocity will be convert in normal velocity and you driiiiiiiiiiiiiift!

in function car:update(dt) (car.lua) for example :

Code: Select all

--mise à jour de la vitesse
self.Vt = self.Ft * self.Vt
self.Vn = self.Fn * self.Vn
if you remplace self.Fn by 0 the car will not drift anymore :)
I think with a fine tunning of Ft and Fn, the game can be very realistic but I don't want to work on it now :P
the idea is maybe: if Vn is greater than X then Fn will reached 0.9999 else Fn will fall near 0... etc. So the car will drift only if the Normal Velocity is big enought. You can try :awesome:
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by Ellohir »

I like the shooter thing, is a nice concept and I hope you make a finished game of it someday :)

I loved playing with the racer game as it is, painting curves by dots or lines (if you go slow enough). It was quite fun :)

The 2.5D version... Well, reminds me of my old MegaDrive F1 racer game, it's nice but feels old in a world of 3D graphics everywhere xD
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by sanjiv »

The Aa..aahH game play was fun. If there's something like health bar, it'd be cool to tie the damage done to the density of the mob, so you'd reward players for managing the crowd, even if they couldn't completely escape it. That's something I found myself trying to do -- luring mobs to where I wanted them to be, and then firing upon them, or rushing out to escape. Making strategic decisions in that context seem like they'd be fun.

This could also add some interesting strategy in terms of the weapons available, but from what I played, I don't think I'd have it in me to change weapons during combat. Maybe if this was part of a large dungeon or map, then I wouldn't mind hiding away from the mob in order to switch or reload my weapons, but I don't think you need to add that complexity for this to be a fun game. I like the automatically generated mobs.

It'd also be neat if the crowds interacted with one another, either constructively or destructively. There are similar games where enemies speed up as they get closer to you, and players used this as a way to manipulate their positions. I think you could build a full game focused around players manipulating the mob that was after them. Perhaps you're in a zombie apocalypse, and you've already been infected, so the task now is to take out as many of the buggers as you can, either out of spite, or in order to draw their attention as your friends escaped.
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by wolrajhti »

well I'm agree with you, thank for your comments. I think the swarm behavior of mobs is very important, I hope I will arrived to create something like metaballs behavior. I want to create an entity composed by a lot of seeds with a global behavior affecting the group, like speed, strategy (go straight to you, try to turn to kill you by behind, etc.), etc. First I think to compute a gravitationnal point of the swarm to first keep a good density of seeds. Right now seeds move in a way that they focus on the same point if you turn around the swarm...and that's not good.. and there is a lot of other things to do like collision, etc.

For the story I want to create a greyscale dead city where every body is dead except you.. maybe one day, after a blackout, everybody died in front of their discharged smartphone, enable to buy food on the internet.. or something like that.
District after district, you will have to slash every little creature and fix the electricity problem... blablabla. But this is just an idea and before the story I think the game will stay a simple auto-generated mobs shlasher :awesome:

and for weapons, they are not well balanced, and without the reload necessity, they are all the same :).

you're right! I have to add a health bar, but I didn't code the collision :(

Do you think that I should try to do everything with the magic Hadron Collider by vrld? right now I shoot 15 rays with the shootgun every 0.25 sec, test every 500 seed on the screen and the frame rate is ok on my machine.. maybe I will have to write again including a faster lib. any ideas?
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

Well, it's HardOn Collider. A Hadron collider would be really hard to implement, as far as I know. :ultrahappy:

I'll suggest to try first a basic collision checking system, simple and cleverly designed, though. If you're not satisfied with the performance, you can then try HardOn Collider, or Bump, if you're only using rects AABBs. Just my point.
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Re: Aa..aahH - I want a MASSIVE BLOODY Hack'n Slash

Post by wolrajhti »

I checked for vrld because I was hesitating between vRld and vlRd ^^, to lazy to check for Hadron Collider :p (hardon, hardon, hardon, now I will remember)

for instance this is not AABBs method because I have to check rays and not points, I check :

Code: Select all

angleBetweenRayAndEnemy < atan(halfSizeOfEnemy / distanceBetweenHeroAndEnemy)
so right now its not detecting collision for the angle of the monster, juste with the sphere of radius halfSizeOfEnemy. (but it will come!)

I attach a new version... some evolutions, a lot of debugging things and a beginning of auto-generated road-map.

sorry for the requested canvas compatibility :/
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