It started when I tried to make a card-based game using powerpoint and its hyperlinks when I was 12 years old on a 400mhz G3. Naturally it turned out to just be a powerpoint presentation of a short story... I then moved on to game maker and drew pictures of tanks and guns and made some more slide show like things.
When I was 13 years old I discovered programming languages. I downloaded Revolution 1.1.1, it was buggy as hell, crashed every 20 minutes, but I managed followed through the tutorials. I made some stupid 1 minute rpgs, and then later an instant messaging like thing, but with an AI on the other end, which takes the user's responses and saves them. When you say something it'll say something related to that something, but turns all the "I/me/am/you/your/are"s around so it's talking to user instead. (All of this done without the concept of a variable!)When I was 14 I played Escape Velocity and that gave me lots of ideas.
At 15 years old I downloaded a game called Wesnoth which came with a scripting language called WML. Followed the guide to compiling wesnoth from source. I played with WML for a while before downloading RealBasic and trying to create a WML editor. I played with RealBasic some more.... but then...
At 16, I learnt variables. I found TNTBasic after my dad bought an iMac G5 to replace the G3. I finally learnt what a variable was. I used it to create a prototype of an RTS game I had in mind since I was 14 years old. It was supposed to look like escape velocity. The graphics didn't turn out half bad, because I found a really good free planet image generator. However, TNTBasic was not especially fast, and my skills aren't exactly efficient.
edit: forgot to mention I bought a macbook with my life savings this year, kinda important.
At 17 years old I discovered I made a spaceship game akin to Escape Velocity. It was not half bad I impressed my school friends with it

At 18 years old , after exams and my vacation to China, Hong Kong and Queensland in Australia, I still had a month of holidays till uni actually started in March. A friend on IRC recruited me to help him with his master of orion clone, written in C++, and I installed Linux on trial version of VMWare so I use the same platform he did. This is where I learnt a lot of UNIX and C and SDL stuff, even though I only worked on it for a week.
Out of the blue my dad asked me to write an AJAX application for him. I learnt HTML and Javascript doing this. Javascript is my favorite language, even now. Javascript is somewhat similar to Lisp in a way. I went on IRC and the Lispers were pretty elitist and ended up throwing my emacs away.
Uni started, and so did my commerce/software engineering degree. First course was "Introduction to Programming". I fell asleep every lecture, though I did learn some more 'official' advice... eg. Waterfall Programming model = bad almost always. Java Classes starts with capital letter. A friend I met in uni showed me a piece of Java Code finding the first 100 primes. It was horribly in-efficient. I wrote another one in 15 minutes that ran many times faster. I then decided to do this in Ruby, it was slow, but probably because I used slow-stuff for Ruby. Then someone on IRC showed me a faster algorithm which was even faster than the Java one I wrote. I went on Java IRC and got everyone to help me make a faster algorithm but after trying many hours, I decided Java isn't that good altogether. I did the same thing in C. C is pretty impressive, though is not quite safe (You could run over the arrays and it'd give you all sorts of trouble...). I also found PlayKode (a Lua interpreter not unlike Love), did the same thing in Lua. It wasn't impressive but I loved the language. I decided I would try C+ Lua for a while and see how it goes. It was best desktop programming languages I ever found, though Javascript is still more fun to program with.
I am using C and Lua to write my RTS right now.
To cap off:
So I now know some C, some Lua, some Javascript/HTML, some Java, some BASIC. Not a single language do I know *totally* but I think I know Java the best even though I don't like it anymore. And I am doing a Commerce/Software Engineering degree. I am 18 years old.