When I use UTF-8 with BOM, I get error "Invalid UTF-8".
Whan I use UTF-8 without BOM, I get error "module luasql.mysql not found".
Can someone give me working example or help to solve problem?
If luasql is an executable (.dll, .so, .dylib) it should be in the same folder as the love executable, not inside the .love... If it's just a .lua module, then you should upload the .love because you did something wrong and we can't help you with that, aside from telling you to check paths
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg = love.graphics
Nixola wrote:If luasql is an executable (.dll, .so, .dylib) it should be in the same folder as the love executable, not inside the .love... If it's just a .lua module, then you should upload the .love because you did something wrong and we can't help you with that, aside from telling you to check paths