Share your favourite helper functions
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Re: Share your favourite helper functions
More snippets on my blog!
This time point-object collisions. They're fairly simple, but still quite useful functions.
This time point-object collisions. They're fairly simple, but still quite useful functions.
- substitute541
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Re: Share your favourite helper functions
I got (physics, and electricity) based snippets on my blog.
Currently designing themes for WordPress.
Sometimes lurks around the forum.
Sometimes lurks around the forum.
Re: Share your favourite helper functions
Proxy tables for lazy loading of resources:
Doesn't look like much, but is very, very useful:
To make a simple pause screen:
Code: Select all
local function Proxy(f)
return setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k)
local v = f(k)
t[k] = v
return v
Code: Select all
State = Proxy(function(path) return require('states.' .. path) end)
Image = Proxy(function(path) return'img/'..path..'.png') end), x,y)
-- nested proxy
Font = Proxy(function(arg)
if tonumber(arg) then return end
return Proxy(function(size) return'font/'..arg..'.ttf', size) end)
Code: Select all
function Interrupt(info)
local old = {}
local base = info.__base or love
info.__base = nil
for k,v in pairs(info) do
old[k] = base[k]
base[k] = function(...)
return v(old[k], ...)
return function()
for k,v in pairs(info) do
base[k] = old[k]
Code: Select all
local continue -- this part is a little weird though :/
continue = Interrupt{
update = function() end,
keypressed = function(_, key)
if key == 'p' then continue() end
draw = function(draw)
draw(),0,0,200)'fill', 0,0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 255, 120)[40])'PAUSE', 0,SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-20, SCREEN_WIDTH, 'center')
- Roland_Yonaba
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Re: Share your favourite helper functions
Useful indeed. I used a similar function to the nested proxy (for font loading) in my assets loader. Which was, after all, inspired by your Proxy function.
Inspiraception ?
Inspiraception ?
Re: Share your favourite helper functions
I don't know if this counts, and there is probably a better way to do this, but
I'd been wanting to come up with a way of determining if a certain percentage of tiles in the tilemap were non-ocean/"blank", and this is how I did it. In this case my ocean tiles are 1, and 2, 3, etc are other things. Originally I was going to go through and add the tiles together, but then realized that higher-value tiles would throw that off. Could easily be adapted for string-based tilemaps, and the total check could be made into a variable percentage rather than a static number.
Code: Select all
local total = 0 -- initialize/clear the variable
for rowIndex, row in ipairs(worldMap) do
for columnIndex, quadID in ipairs(row) do
if quad ~= 1 then
total = total + 1 -- increase total for every non-ocean tile
if total > 50 then -- if there at least this many non-ocean tiles then allow next step
-- next step(s)
Last edited by stout on Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Share your favourite helper functions
This is something like an alarm clock.
It basically counts the time passed and "ticks" when passed XXXX seconds.
Its made of two functions: the first to count the time, the second to watch the time passed:
COUNT THE TIME ( usually in love.update() ):
WATCH TICKS AND ALARM ( usually in your basic app functions .lua ):
Pretty simple algorithm but really useful.
Also remember that the "alarm" is only active for one deltaTime, so if you need to do some events after XXXX time, but only once before the next event, this is perfect for you.
It basically counts the time passed and "ticks" when passed XXXX seconds.
Its made of two functions: the first to count the time, the second to watch the time passed:
Code: Select all
oneTick = 0 -- time will be added to this
tickHappened = false -- when a tick happens, set this to true
alarm = 1 -- set alarm to 1 second
Code: Select all
function countTime()
oneTick = oneTick + love.timer.getDelta() -- ad time passed to our counter
watchTicks() -- this function will watch the ticks and tell you when a tick passed
Code: Select all
function watchTicks()
if oneTick >= alarm then -- if time passed is > or = to alarm then...
tickHappened = true -- ring the bell
oneTick = 0 -- restart tick time counter
tickHappened = false -- if time passed is not > or = to the alarm, then the tick didn't happen
Pretty simple algorithm but really useful.
Also remember that the "alarm" is only active for one deltaTime, so if you need to do some events after XXXX time, but only once before the next event, this is perfect for you.
Re: Share your favourite helper functions
Cubic spline fit of data points.
Nothing original. Just an adaption to Lua.
Edited: as per Robin's comments
Nothing original. Just an adaption to Lua.
Code: Select all
function cubicSpline( tab, nsteps )
-- Original Basic version by Charles O'Neill 2002
-- 'tab' is original table of { x, y } values
-- 'x' values don't have to be uniformly spaced
-- 'spline' is the returned table of calculated {x,y} pairs
local nsteps = nsteps or 10 -- number of points-1 created btw initial points
local A, B, C, D, h, S = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
for i = 1, #tab-1 do -- width of each 'x' interval
h[i] = tab[i+1][1] - tab[i][1]
for i = 1, #tab - 2 do
A[i] = h[i+1]
B[i] = h[i]
C[i] = 6 * (( tab[i+2][2] - tab[i+1][2])/h[i+1] - (tab[i+1][2] - tab[i][2]) / h[i])
D[i] = 2 * ( h[i] + h[i+1] )
ntdma = #tab - 2 -- tdma = Tre-Diagonal-Matrix-Algorithm
for i = 2, ntdma do
local R = B[i] / D[i-1]
C[i] = C[i] - R * C[i-1]
D[i] = D[i] - R * A[i-1]
C[ntdma] = C[ntdma] / D[ntdma]
for i = ntdma - 1, 1, -1 do
C[i] = (C[i] - A[i] * C[i+1]) / D[i]
for i = 2, #tab - 1 do -- changes from zero based index to 1
S[i] = C[i-1] -- S is the second derivative
S[1], S[#tab] = 0, 0 -- set end coordinates
for i = 1, #tab - 1 do -- calculate cubic coordinates
A[i] = (S[i+1] - S[i]) / (6 * h[i] )
B[i] = S[i] / 2
C[i] = (tab[i+1][2] - tab[i][2]) / h[i] - (2 * h[i] * S[i] + h[i] * S[i+1]) / 6
D[i] = tab[i][2]
local spline, count = {}, 1
for i = 1, #tab - 1 do
for j = 1, nsteps do
local x = tab[i][1] + ( h[i] / nsteps ) * ( j - 1 )
local dif = x - tab[i][1]
local y = A[i] * dif ^ 3 + B[i] * dif ^ 2 + C[i] * dif + D[i]
spline[count] = { floor(x), floor(y) }
count = count + 1
spline[ #spline + 1 ] = { tab[ #tab ][ 1 ], tab[ #tab ][ 2 ] } -- adds last point to table
return spline
Last edited by Ref on Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Robin
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Re: Share your favourite helper functions
Ref wrote:Code: Select all
local A = {} B = {} C = {} D = {} h = {} S = {}
Ref wrote:Code: Select all
j = i - 1 -- three times!
B, D, D, h, S, j and R are all globals here.Ref wrote:Code: Select all
R = B[i] / D[i-1]
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Re: Share your favourite helper functions
Thanks Robin for pointing out my error.Robin wrote:FYI,B, D, D, h, S, j and R are all globals here.
Are a,b,c local if you use local a,b,c = {},{},{} or do you have to specify each one local separately?
Re: Share your favourite helper functions
Just out of curiosity, why did you use "Proxy" to name that function instead of Memoize?vrld wrote:Proxy tables for lazy loading of resources:Code: Select all
local function Proxy(f) return setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) local v = f(k) t[k] = v return v end}) end
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