Hey, everyone. I'm new to the forums and have been using LOVE for a couple of days now. The version I have is 0.8.0, and I'm attempting to make a game similar to breakout (the game that's kind of like single-player Pong but with a bunch of bricks that the ball breaks as it hits them) only with four paddles that slide along the edges of the screen following the cursor. That's more complicated than it sounds and I think you'll at least understand the paddle movement if you download and run the .LOVE file.
I have downward gravity enabled just so I can test the ball and make sure it bounces off the paddle properly, but it doesn't. It falls right through. I was hoping someone could help me out?
Edit: I figured out part of the problem and changed it. I'm going to upload a second version, which is the version I'm working with now.
Ball Falls Through Paddle
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Ball Falls Through Paddle
- Attachments
- Break Down 2.love
- This is the current version.
- (1.29 KiB) Downloaded 163 times
- Break Down.love
- Ignore this version.
- (1.24 KiB) Downloaded 138 times
Re: Ball Falls Through Paddle
Don't set the position on the shape (you already do so by setting up the body)
The code below should work as intended:
Edit: and use love.graphics.polygon to draw a Rectangle so you don't have to mess with the offset. (box2d bodies are drawn from their center)
Edit2: updated the code with comments. Also the "boundaries" are now working properly.
The code below should work as intended:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
print("I'mma runnin mah gaem!")
--Horizontal paddles
paddleaw = 64
paddleah = 16
paddleax = (love.mouse.getX() - paddleaw/2)
paddleay = 550
paddlebw = 64
paddlebh = 16
paddlebx = (love.mouse.getX() - paddlebw/2)
paddleby = 50
--Vertical paddles
paddlecw = 16
paddlech = 64
paddlecx = 50 + (paddlecw / 2) --added half of the width because box2d bodies are drawn from their center
paddlecy = (love.mouse.getY() - paddlech/2)
paddledw = 16
paddledh = 64
paddledx = 750 + (paddledw / 2) --added half of the width because box2d bodies are drawn from their center
paddledy = (love.mouse.getY() - paddledh/2)
world = love.physics.newWorld(0,100,false)
objects = {}
--That's a paddlin'!
objects.paddlea = {}
objects.paddlea.body = love.physics.newBody(world, paddleax,paddleay, "static")
objects.paddlea.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(paddleaw,paddleah)
objects.paddlea.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.paddlea.body,objects.paddlea.shape,1)
objects.paddleb = {}
objects.paddleb.body = love.physics.newBody(world, paddlebx,paddleby, "static")
objects.paddleb.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(paddlebw,paddlebh)
objects.paddleb.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.paddleb.body,objects.paddleb.shape,1)
objects.paddlec = {}
objects.paddlec.body = love.physics.newBody(world, paddlecx,paddlecy, "static")
objects.paddlec.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(paddlecw,paddlech)
objects.paddlec.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.paddlec.body,objects.paddlec.shape,1)
objects.paddled = {}
objects.paddled.body = love.physics.newBody(world,paddledx,paddledy, "static")
objects.paddled.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(paddledw,paddledh)
objects.paddled.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.paddled.body,objects.paddled.shape,1)
--Dropping the Ball
objects.ball = {}
objects.ball.body = love.physics.newBody(world,love.graphics.getWidth()/2,love.graphics.getHeight()/2, "dynamic")
objects.ball.shape = love.physics.newCircleShape(8)
objects.ball.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(objects.ball.body,objects.ball.shape,1)
function love.draw()
love.graphics.circle("fill", objects.ball.body:getX(), objects.ball.body:getY(), objects.ball.shape:getRadius()) --use a variable which allows for easier changes later on!
--use polygons to draw rectangles!
love.graphics.polygon("fill", objects.paddlea.body:getWorldPoints(objects.paddlea.shape:getPoints()))
love.graphics.polygon("fill", objects.paddleb.body:getWorldPoints(objects.paddleb.shape:getPoints()))
love.graphics.polygon("fill", objects.paddlec.body:getWorldPoints(objects.paddlec.shape:getPoints()))
love.graphics.polygon("fill", objects.paddled.body:getWorldPoints(objects.paddled.shape:getPoints()))
function love.update(dt) --everything not related to "drawing stuff" should go here!
if objects.paddlea.body:getX() > (702 + paddleaw / 2) then --no need to check for both paddles X-position as they are always the same
objects.paddlea.body:setX(702+paddleaw / 2)
objects.paddleb.body:setX(702+paddlebw / 2)
if objects.paddlea.body:getX() < (50 + paddleaw / 2) then --again, no need to check for both paddles X-position as they are always the same
objects.paddlea.body:setX(50+paddleaw / 2)
objects.paddleb.body:setX(50+paddlebw / 2)
if objects.paddlec.body:getY() > ((500 - paddlecw / 2) + paddlech / 2) then --subtracted half of the height because box2d bodies are drawn from their center
objects.paddlec.body:setY((500 - paddlecw / 2) + paddlech / 2)
objects.paddled.body:setY((500 - paddledw / 2) + paddledh / 2)
if objects.paddlec.body:getY() < (50 + paddlech / 2) then
objects.paddlec.body:setY(50 + paddlech / 2)
objects.paddled.body:setY(50 + paddledh / 2)
--Reset Ball Position
if objects.ball.body:getX() < (0 - objects.ball.shape:getRadius()) or objects.ball.body:getX() > (love.graphics.getWidth() + objects.ball.shape:getRadius()) or objects.ball.body:getY() < (0 - objects.ball.shape:getRadius()) or objects.ball.body:getY() > (love.graphics.getHeight() + objects.ball.shape:getRadius()) then
objects.ball.body:setPosition(love.graphics.getWidth() / 2, love.graphics.getHeight() / 2)
function love.focus(bool)
function love.keypressed( key, unicode )
--Stop doing things, game!
if key == "escape" then
elseif key == " " then --Press Space to restart the game
function love.keyreleased( key, unicode )
function love.mousepressed( x, y, button )
function love.mousereleased( x, y, button )
function love.quit()
Edit2: updated the code with comments. Also the "boundaries" are now working properly.
Re: Ball Falls Through Paddle
Thank you.
Re: Ball Falls Through Paddle
It seems a bit overkill to use love.physics for something like this...
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Re: Ball Falls Through Paddle
Agreed. It's totally unnecessary to use love.physics in such a simple game.T-Bone wrote:It seems a bit overkill to use love.physics for something like this...
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