love.exe has stopped working...
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love.exe has stopped working...
Hello, I've just recently downloaded the zipped 32 bit version of Love2D. I've been following a tutorial ([youtube][/youtube]) that walked me through it. When I got to the point where I drag and drop the file folder 'Hello World' onto love.exe, a new window pops up blank and an alert window says "love.exe has stopped working...". I honestly have no idea what I've done wrong, I followed the tutorial exactly. Maybe I didn't get something? If you could help me out, that'd be great.
Re: love.exe has stopped working...
try replacing "hello world"
with "hello-world"
if that helps, just download the most recent Dev Build.
with "hello-world"
if that helps, just download the most recent Dev Build.
Re: love.exe has stopped working...
I renamed it to 'hello-world', no luck. What do you mean by download the most recent Dev Build?
Re: love.exe has stopped working...
so you had it do:
The dev build is the development build.
It has some bugfixes and stuff.
Code: Select all
--In love.draw()'hello-world', 0, 0)
It has some bugfixes and stuff.
Re: love.exe has stopped working...
This is what I had.
What file extension should I get? .log, .exe, or whatever that other one is?
Code: Select all
function love.draw()"Hello World!",400,300);
Re: love.exe has stopped working...
run this file:
(drag and drop it onto love.exe)
(drag and drop it onto love.exe)
- Attachments
- Hello world.
- (177 Bytes) Downloaded 108 times
Re: love.exe has stopped working...
That does work, and mine did when I change it to 'hello-world'. Why can't you use spaces in strings?
Re: love.exe has stopped working...
You can. There is however a divide by zero glitch on some computers, that crashes when using spaces.
That can be fixed by downloading the most recent development version from
That can be fixed by downloading the most recent development version from
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