Snakuence - Snake meets Befunge to make math

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Joined: Wed May 20, 2009 1:46 am

Re: Snakuence - Snake meets Befunge to make math

Post by jimbo »

Thanks so much for the feedback!

I've uploaded beta2 and updated the link at the top of this thread to point to it. fäbian, I've taken your advice and fixed the timestep. I've also added a check against love.system.getPlatform() for "Linux", and disabled music loading if found(untested).

Too bad about music on linux, I think the music really sets the mood. Is it something about that particular xm file? Maybe I better check this out in linux before I post to the free game resources thread.
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Joined: Sat May 16, 2009 7:41 am

Re: Snakuence - Snake meets Befunge to make math

Post by fäbian »

Great! Now I can learn Befunge. The disabled music loading makes it not crash as well.
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