Smartphone suggestion

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Smartphone suggestion

Post by Nixola »

I'm about to buy a smartphone, but I have to choose it from a list. I cut out the best (too expensive) and the worst (too weak), and I can't decide between these phones, mainly because I don't know almost anything about them. The phones are:
  • Samsung Galaxy Mini 2
    79 €
    Android 2.3
    79 €
    Android 4.0
    Bluetooth 3.0
  • Sony Xperia U
    109 €
    Android 2.3
(I can buy them at that price, new, from a totally trusted company)

I want to be able to run love-android and I don't care about eventually having to root it; I'd need it to listen to music too, and obviously since I can have them I'll enjoy some free Android apps :3

What do you think I should buy? Why? Please, give me detailed answer
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Re: Smartphone suggestion

Post by T-Bone »

Low-end Android phones tend to be bad. I'd avoid all the phones you mentioned. It's better to get last year's top model than this year's mid-model in my opinion. And you really want something that runs at least Ice cream sandwich (4.0), it came out a year ago and even 4.2 is coming soon. If possible, get something that runs a pure version of Android. Even the now ancient Nexus S runs 4.1 now, which is better than my brand new and expensive HTC One S.
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Re: Smartphone suggestion

Post by Nixola »

I have to choose it from a list and I can't afford better ones (I'm 15, luckily I can afford these); anyway, both the Samsung Galaxy Mini and the Xperia are upgradeable to Android 4.0, I think I'll buy the Xperia if no one has better suggestions
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Re: Smartphone suggestion

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

Xiaomi Mi-2
Buy it!
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Re: Smartphone suggestion

Post by Nixola »

...Damn. Xperias are sold out. HTC Desire C (130€) are sold out. The cheapest phone better than these two costs 340€. I ended up buying an LG Optimus L5
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