Middleclass passing objects

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Middleclass passing objects

Post by trumpet7347 »

Hey guys, Im having some trouble with my code and hoped one of you could help. I am using middleclass and Im trying to pass an object to another function, but for some reason whenever I try to access the object, I get a nil error.

Code: Select all

function Mill:update(dt)
	for i=1, #self.TreesInRange do
		if self.TreesInRange[i].beingGathered == false then
			self.newGatherer(self.TreesInRange[i]) --This calls newGatherer function and passes a "Tree" Object to it
			self.TreesInRange[i].beingGathered = true
This is where the function that passes the Object, I have checked to make sure that there is actually an object in the table and its there.

Code: Select all

function Mill:newGatherer(tree)
	if tree == nil then
		love.graphics.print('ERROR', 0, 0) --This should not display, but it does :(
	table.insert(Mill.Gatherers, Gatherer:new(325, 550, tree))	
and this is where Im having trouble, the print function should not display

I will also upload my .love so you can take a look. I am trying to just make a simple resource gathing system. The file that I am having trouble with is Mill.lua.

Thanks again guys
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Re: Middleclass passing objects

Post by paritybit »

I see that you have a console start with the game; you'd probably be better off printing the error to the console using print instead of love.graphics.print. The way I understand love.graphics.print is that it (like any other code that draws) has to be called form love.draw -- so unless you store it in a variable somewhere and print it repeatedly (each time draw is called) then it won't be printed to the game viewport.

I think your problem is that you're calling self.newGatherer with the dot rather than the colon. It looks like you defined Mill:newGatherer so that it expects self as a first parameter (either implicit with the : operator or explicit). The function is expecting two parameters (self and tree); it uses the first parameter you pass as self, and then tree is nil.

It doesn't look like you use the self, so you could either change the colon to a dot, or change your calling code to use a colon.

I make this mistake about once a night.
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Re: Middleclass passing objects

Post by trumpet7347 »

the period was the problem, I knew it was going to be a small mistake like that. Thanks for the help!
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