.love as .app Distribution Mac OS X

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.love as .app Distribution Mac OS X

Post by appleide »

I've made a wrapper for .love files. The idea is just drop your love.app and your .love file in it and your .love file now becomes a .app bundle!

Download the attachment, unzip.
Right-click it, "Show Package Contents".
Go into LoveWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/love_file
Put your .love file in it, rename your file to "main.love"

Go into LoveWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/love_app
Put your love.app into it. Make sure your app is named "love.app"

That's the basics.

If you want to change the application menu name (The one in the top left corner. e.g "Safari"),
Go into LoveWrapper.app/Contents
Open info.plist with TextEdit.
Go to these two lines of code.

Code: Select all

Put whatever name you want in-between <string> and </string>.

Now, go into the love.app bundle you put into the wrapper, and do the same thing to its info.plist file.

Note: It works even if you don't drop love.app into it. The wrapper simply prioritises the love.app inside it. If it isn't there it just looks for another one.

This wrapper is for Mac OS 10.4+

I'm terribly sorry I cannot find an easy approach like the windows and linux users got. :(
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Re: .love as .app Distribution Mac OS X

Post by Garotas*Gostosas »

Thanks alot man, seems to work great! :ultrahappy:

I don't think its very difficult...

keep up the good work! ;)
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Re: .love as .app Distribution Mac OS X

Post by Crystalmyst »

Hmm, I can't seem to get it to work.
It just crashes upon opening... Has anyone else had the same problems? Once I get my Mac back, I'll give it a try on that.

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Re: .love as .app Distribution Mac OS X

Post by appleide »

There is a problem with it, it shouldn't cause it to crash but it may...
When putting stuff in save directory, the save directory uses the game's file name to create a new folder to store your stuff.

So... if your game is "netris.love" then it'll create, in your preferences folder (IIRC), inside folder ".love" saves or something, a folder called "netris.love".

And if you rename your file, it'll have a different name...

Since this wrapper only supports "main.love", every save directory is called "main.love"... so everyone using the wrapper has the same one...

Waiting on 0.6.0 for this to be fixed, hopefully...

And try open Console.app to see the error logs, then paste back here. :)
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