Hi lövers,
First of all, i'm french so i'll probably make sentences without any kind of sense in English, - feel free to correct me
Here is a project i've been working on for a while now, Pixelarium.
Pixelarium is either a drawing software and a sandbox game, inspired by hours of fun on mspaint and by the need of a tool to create graphics for my löve games. Sketch is exportable in .png format thanks to love.image.
Pixelarium is still in early stage, any ideas, fixes, are welcomed.
- F10 : clear screen
- Esc : exit current active mod
- r : random colors
Ctrl + r : random active color only
- b : picks paintbrush
right click with paintbrush : erase pixel
- e : picks eraser
- i : picks pipette tool
- g : picks bucket tool
- s : picks spray tool
- spacebar : moving tool
Known issues
- PNG export seems not working on some computers :/ Please check you have the latest version of löve installed.
- save mod is not working yet, same for open mod.
- pixelarium.love does not load mods, you have to drop pixelarium folder on love icon to run mods-loaded pixelarium.
Latest build :
Current build :
Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Last edited by Zamp on Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Unbelievable lag when I drag the mouse to draw lines, basically crashes the program.
My game called Hat Cat and the Obvious Crimes Against the Fundamental Laws of Physics is out now!
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Hum that's a pretty big problem indeed.
I had never encoutered it for now, mouse dragging was more or less slow though.
Since pixelarium needs to draw a bazillion things, i'm trying to work on optimization. I don't have any solution for now, but i hope i'll be back soon with a faster build than this one.
Thanks for your bug reporting
I had never encoutered it for now, mouse dragging was more or less slow though.
Since pixelarium needs to draw a bazillion things, i'm trying to work on optimization. I don't have any solution for now, but i hope i'll be back soon with a faster build than this one.
Thanks for your bug reporting
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Can I only draw with random colors?
Looks great! Still needs a lot of development, but it's funny and useful (at least when will be possible to personalize colors I'll use this a lot)
PD: I have no lag problems, but I have a i7 1.7GHz and 4GB RAM.
Looks great! Still needs a lot of development, but it's funny and useful (at least when will be possible to personalize colors I'll use this a lot)
PD: I have no lag problems, but I have a i7 1.7GHz and 4GB RAM.
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Saving appears to be broken, it attempts to write to a file in "saves_files" but it appears that there is no code to make sure that directory exists. in the mods/save/save.lua file try adding this:
or something similar in function. Seems pretty fun to play with though, so keep working on it!
Code: Select all
if not love.filesystem.exists("saves_files") then love.filesystem.mkdir("saves_files")
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
AMD A6 Laptop 4 x 1.5Ghz, 4Gb DDR3 . -> No lag. looks fine.
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Thanks everybody
It will body possible to add custom colors, i need first to make a better user interface wich allows text inputs
Saving is now fixed thanks to love.filesystem.mkdir("saves_files") !
It will body possible to add custom colors, i need first to make a better user interface wich allows text inputs
Saving is now fixed thanks to love.filesystem.mkdir("saves_files") !
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
The hand tool moves the canvas in reverse
other than that, great tool, no lag for me
other than that, great tool, no lag for me
- RGB color selection
- Fix hand tool
- Improve spray tool. Possibly make it so it randomly changes the color of half of the pixels in a 3 pixel square?
- Line tool
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Thanks for your suggestions, they're all relevant
I love your idea about the spray tool, i'll change it this way
I love your idea about the spray tool, i'll change it this way
Re: Pixelarium - Drawing Sandbox and more !
Hand (pan) tool looks fine (maybe because it follows the iPad scrolling style?)
You should work on a zoom tool, if not available,
Good work, looks awesome.
You should work on a zoom tool, if not available,
Good work, looks awesome.
Lua is not an acronym.
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