Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by luaz »

Sorry about that, rar is faster for me, as I use WinRAR to zip files. This one should work correctly.

And no, I've tried it with 32x32 shape as well, it still didn't work. Also, both vertical and horizontal collisions don't work if the guy is colliding with more than one tile.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by paritybit »

luaz wrote:Also, both vertical and horizontal collisions don't work if the guy is colliding with more than one tile.
I think that might answer your question about what's wrong. If you're colliding with multiple tiles, you're probably hitting the collision callback multiple times. The first time you hit it, the minimum translation vector will be right, but the second time you hit it you'll already be out of the collision -- if you translate by the vector for collision with the second tile then you'll be moving twice as far away as you need to be. That would account for the jumpiness. I'm not sure I have a solution though. Maybe you can keep track of movement that was a correction based on collision detection so that you don't re-do it. That is, somehow keep track of all the minimum translation vectors rather than acting on them in the callback, and then act on the maximum X and maximum Y values during the update?

If I'm completely off in my analysis, I think somebody will correct me. Seems like this is an awful lot of work.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by luaz »

paritybit wrote:
luaz wrote:Also, both vertical and horizontal collisions don't work if the guy is colliding with more than one tile.
I think that might answer your question about what's wrong. If you're colliding with multiple tiles, you're probably hitting the collision callback multiple times. The first time you hit it, the minimum translation vector will be right, but the second time you hit it you'll already be out of the collision -- if you translate by the vector for collision with the second tile then you'll be moving twice as far away as you need to be. That would account for the jumpiness. I'm not sure I have a solution though. Maybe you can keep track of movement that was a correction based on collision detection so that you don't re-do it. That is, somehow keep track of all the minimum translation vectors rather than acting on them in the callback, and then act on the maximum X and maximum Y values during the update?

If I'm completely off in my analysis, I think somebody will correct me. Seems like this is an awful lot of work.
I had a somewhat similar idea, but I couldn't think of the solution, I still can't, apparently.

One more thing (not the main question!): I can't figure out what's objB, as ctile doesn't seem to work...
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by Robin »

I think I had the same problem as you. This is how I resolved it:

Code: Select all

function on_collide(dt, shape_a, shape_b, mtv_x, mtv_y) -- collision callback
    local _, y1 = shape_a:center()
    local _, y2 = shape_b:center()
    local _, top1, _, bottom1 = shape_a:bbox()
    local _, top2, _, bottom2 = shape_b:bbox()

    if bottom1 - 3 <= top2 then
    	mtv_x = 0
    local total = shape_a.lightness + shape_b.lightness
    local afrac = shape_a.lightness / total
    local bfrac = -shape_b.lightness / total
    if shape_a == player then
    	if mtv_x > 0 then
    		if mtv_x * afrac > playermoved.xmax then
				playermoved.xmax = mtv_x * afrac
    		if mtv_x * afrac < playermoved.xmin then
				playermoved.xmin = mtv_x * afrac
    	if mtv_y > 0 then
    		if mtv_y * afrac > playermoved.ymax then
				playermoved.ymax = mtv_y * afrac
    		if mtv_y * afrac < playermoved.ymin then
				playermoved.ymin = mtv_y * afrac
	    shape_a:move(mtv_x * afrac, mtv_y * afrac)
    shape_b:move(mtv_x * bfrac, mtv_y * bfrac)

Code: Select all

function love.update(dt)
	playermoved = {xmax = 0, xmin = 0, ymax = 0, ymin = 0}
	player:move(playermoved.xmin + playermoved.xmax, playermoved.ymin + playermoved.ymax)
Please don't try to copy this exactly, that won't work for you.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by luaz »

Some comments would be nice: I'm unsure what the underscores are, what lightness is, what afrac and bfrac is, and the rest of the code, I think I probably can read.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by Robin »

The underscores are for values I ignore. It's not a feature of Lua, but a common convention (and an actual feature of some other languages, like Haskell(?) and Go).

lightness is a property I assigned to shapes to deal with different mass. Fixed platforms have a lightness of 0.

afrac and bfrac are the fraction of the displacement that should be given to shape_a and shape_b respectively: if a small rock bumps into the moon, the rock should move more than the moon as a consequence of the collision.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by luaz »

Well I've attempted to tinker with it a little, but I don't even know how to get the shape to move. I think you have a different movement code perhaps. I'm not sure, but I'm also not sure about the code given. I will continue tinkering with it, but I doubt I'll get it to work, as I'm still confused about the code provided.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by paritybit »


Attached is a working code solution for how to do it the way I suggested; this basically keeps track of all the translation vectors for collision and then using the maximum x and y values to form a 'comprehensive vector' (for lack of a real term, I made it up) that covers all of the collisions with one vector. It will work fine for a tile-based solution like you have.

There were to basic changes to your original code. The first was the collision callback function:

Code: Select all

function colTrue(dt, objA, objB, x, y)
	if(objA == player.colRect) then
		table.insert(player.translationVectors, {x = x, y = y})
Instead of applying a change, you can see it inserts the translation vector (as a table with an x and y value) into a table called player.translationVectors. The next step is to use this table in the update, so I added the following code after the collision detection update (col:update()):

Code: Select all

local x = 0
local y = 0
for _, vector in ipairs(player.translationVectors) do
	if math.abs(x) < math.abs(vector.x) then x = vector.x end
	if math.abs(y) < math.abs(vector.y) then y = vector.y end

player.x = player.x + x;
player.y = player.y + y;
player.colRect:moveTo(player.x + player.width / 2, player.y + player.height / 2)
player.translationVectors = { }
This is basically getting the largest x and y values that exist in any vector in the table and using them to 'correct' the player's position.

I also added a function to draw the collision detection boxes (because I was having some weird issues); this might come in handy sometime so I left it there.

Code: Select all

local function drawBoxes()
	local r, g, b, a = love.graphics.getColor()
	love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0, 255)
	for _, shape in pairs(col:shapesInRange(0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight())) do
	love.graphics.setColor(r, g, b, a)
There's still a little bit of 'stickiness' if you hold the down and left or right while moving across the top of the wall tiles -- this is because you have multiple collision boxes instead of a single collision box for the whole wall. It's probably not an issue, but there are some solutions for this here. I'm sure I saw a thread about a minimum set of bounding boxes given a tiled map, but I can't find it now.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by luaz »

I appreciate the answer, it works now indeed! However, the stickiness problem that you've mentioned is a problem. Sometimes the player won't move when they key is being held down (for some reason, this happens more when the player's top is colliding rather than the bottom, maybe just pure chance).

I think there should be taken a completely different approach. I checked out the source of other games, but I couldn't remake the code for myself, as first of all I don't understand the whole code, and secondly I have trouble with learning from references or abstract references. Ironic, as I have abstract ideas. :|

The thing is, there are other projects who've made this work perfectly fine, even with the same tools. Which means the approach is likely not right.


I have been tinkering around with the code given previously, I couldn't make anything that works good from it. I'm gonna try to tinker with this code. Maybe something good will come out of it, but I doubt it for the very same reason mentioned in the previous post.
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Re: Hardon Collider - getting stuck between tiles

Post by luaz »

Seems like this thread has been abandoned. I'm still unable to solve the problem. I've been only able to make it so that the character gets stuck, just like it does in the one made by parytibit. I cannot manage to make a smooth collision between the tiles and the player...
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