luaz wrote:
I've done a fair amount of research. Of course not for all software, but you won't find a better, or at least as good as those are, alternative for Visual Studio, Office (though I have no use for it) and Adobe software. Also software like Skype has isn't as developed on Linux (last time I checked), no MSN (which is a popular messenger), no Steam (although it's in-development), and I could name a lot more software that either isn't available, is underdeveloped compared to Windows version, or is offered a poor alternative to.
In my opinion visual studio is a terrible piece of software, so I shall refrain from calling things "up to par".
With regard to office, that might be the case, but also largely because of office itself, with its rediculous filetypes and its now traditional presence. I should note that I rarely use an office suite to begin with.
Skype, doesn't that like, run on linux? (Yes it does.)
MSN, see below, pidgin, empathy, emesene, tons of stuff.
Also, I'd like to note that You're Doing It Wrong if you're looking for programs to replace other programs, you might as well reskin windows if you want something different then. You only really change os if you work differently. That is, if you need a program with one button, and one with two doesn't suffice, whose fault is that?
kikito wrote:I didn't know MSN still existed. I do all my messaging via the gmail embedded gtalk window thingie.
Or you could use one of the many im clients, pidgin and empathy are the big ones, I believe.
kikito wrote:I take that over autocompletion any day.
Not to mention you
can have autocompletion as well.
Now that's out of the way, topics like these have existed a couple of times, never with good results. You're asking for preference, and it usually devolves into a discussion about other preferences (you know how it goes on the internet).