As far as I know, they still don't offer auto-completion.
josefnpat wrote:Just to be clear, fancy doesn't always mean better. Give me nano/gEdit/notepad++ over Visual Studio any day of the week. I will give in that photoshop is better than gimp, but photoshop costs hard $$$.
99% of the fancy software is better than non-fancy.
Why do you like less-advanced software so much better?
AntonioModer wrote:Notepad++ have autocomplete of functions and words.
I use Notepad++ with autocomplete.
It does, Gedit doesn't though. And I believe Nano doesn't too.
pk wrote:Visual Studio might be a viable option, but from what I hear, writing plugins for it is a pain, plugins break with every new release, and the free versions don't even include the plugin API.
Really, open source programs like Emacs and Vim have always had far better support for other languages.
Well I wasn't talking about LUA here, I was talking about C++. As for "break with every release" - who cares? Visual Studio probably won't release another version until 2014! So far, I'm aware that there is some abandoned plugin for VS 2010, but since my current machine can't handle even VS 2003, I'm not willing to try it. After that, I'm sticking to 2012, so I'm not gonna use VS for LUA anyway.
pk wrote:Going a bit off topic here, but maybe people don't know that Photoshop is affordable for mere mortals now, at least here in the U.S. I'm renting Photoshop CS 6 for $20 USD a month.
That's pretty cool. I thought only games could be rented.
Roland_Yonaba wrote:For what reason don't you like Notepad++ ? Missing features ?
I hate the interface, and I dislike the fact that even it's supposed to be lightweight, it really isn't. I'm not sure about the lightweight part though, because I've tried it a long time ago. However, I looked at the screenshots, and I still hate the interface. A lot.
qaisjp wrote:Not that I don't respect your opinions, but you should be dead for not liking NP++ .__.