Played it...Not bad. Not bad at all!
Actually, it's a bit odd to have a sword firing bullets, but hey, sweet games are made of these odds. Who am I to disagree ?
Okay, actuallly I think it would be nice to draw the charging bar progress (on the sword).
Oh, and a pause screen.
And idea: why not ennemies of different sizes ? And bigger ones should be killed with multiple little shots, or one bigger shot.
Isn't it possible to reduce the .ogg file size ? It (3.17 Mo) makes around 95% of the total game size... (3.4 Mo)
<provoking mode>
I demand this game be removed at once! Suggest that a poor chid mount an edged sword? That's irresponsible! I don't even comment the possible sexual insinuations and connotations of such phallic act!
I will report this game as child molesting offense unless you tell me where you did get that song. Nuff said!
</provoking mode>