The above is an animated PNG.
Chrome has an APNG plugin.
It's a pun!
Originally going to be a Klonoa clone, I'm now making an original platformer with prerendered 3D graphics.
1.0.0 - initial features:
- You can walk on top of platforms, but other then that there is no collision.
- A level editor. Save with S. It autoloads on the next start. Use the left button to place, the right button to remove, and the wheel to select a block.
- A 90% automatic animation system with sounds for Klonoa.
- An automatic tileset loader. You can throw any 16x16 tileset of any total size and it should work. This demo is 2x2, I tested it with a 16x16 tileset.
- Automatic sfx loading ('sfx/cave/klonoa/nrun.wav' becomes sound data called sfx.klonoa.nrun) the 'cave' part is the echo setting, which can't be changed yet. Also supports any extension Love does.
- Pretty solid platformer controls. No flutter jump or wind bullet yet. Also no real gameplay or enemies.
- If you fall too far, you'll have to wait for an 'Oh shit, that hurt' animation to finish before you can move.
- Random crashes! By which I mean it'll sometimes freeze Love randomly. Happened after I added sounds I believe.
- Better physics!
- The kitchen sink! Not really.
- Controls changed! Uses WASD without the S, which saves the map.
- Larger tileset included.
- No more having to wait for the 'Oh shit, that hurt' animation. It'll be back, I just need to alter the animation engine.
- REALLY fixes the bug this time.
- Adds a basic sound manager. (That's what fixed the freeze.)
- Klonoa's running animation is replaced with Tero's as a test. I think I want to redesign him anyway.
- Animations can now be stacked in an image, so you can have 4x4 frames instead of being forced to use a 16x1 strip. (See Tero's animation in /gfx/tero)
- Variable names changed from Klonoa's to Tero's name.
- More versatile animation system less prone to crashing from user errors.
- 'Oh shit, that hurt' animation wait timer back.
- Many other small fixes and improvements.
- Improved animation system
- Lots of new pre-rendered animations for Tero.
- Enemies! Don't let them touch edges of the map, they'll get stuck. Middle click for moo, shift+middle click for smart moo.
- Music! Crappy looping placeholder for now.
- Slightly improved collision, broke some things in the process.