Code: Select all
--Move Directly To Function
--What the program does is determine which value in an X/Y array is higher.
--It then gives whichever axis has a higher value an extra movement turn
--on that pass.
function load()
mousePressed = false
gotoX = 0
gotoY = 0
playerBallX = 400
playerBallY = 300
speed = 1
function update(dt)
--Step 1: Get the values
local xAxisCost
local yAxisCost
local moveTokenX
local moveTokenY
if mousePressed == true then
if gotoX > playerBallX then
xAxisCost = gotoX - playerBallX
playerBallX = playerBallX + speed -- move the ball
moveTokenX = true
xAxisCost = makePositive((gotoX - playerBallX))
playerBallX = playerBallX - speed -- move the ball
moveTokenX = false
if gotoX == playerBallX then
xAxisCost = 0
if gotoY > playerBallY then
yAxisCost = gotoY - playerBallY
playerBallY = playerBallY + speed
moveTokenY = true
yAxisCost = makePositive((gotoY - playerBallY))
playerBallY = playerBallY - speed
moveTokenY = false
if gotoY == playerBallY then
yAxisCost = 0
if xAxisCost > yAxisCost then
if moveTokenX then
playerBallX = playerBallX + speed
playerBallX = playerBallX - speed
if moveTokenY then
playerBallY = playerBallY + speed
playerBallY = playerBallY - speed
function draw(), gotoX, gotoY, 5), playerBallX, playerBallY, 20)
function mousereleased(x, y, button)
if button == love.mouse_left then
mousePressed = true
gotoX = x
gotoY = y
function makePositive ( negativeNumber )
local positiveNumber
positiveNumber = (negativeNumber * -1)
return positiveNumber
If this isn't clear to you (I try to make my variables very human readable, but I still sometimes wind up with esoteric things) and you'd like more code commenting, please let me know.
Side Note: I couldn't find any sort of built-in function for making a negative number positive in Lua. Since we don't have a text console in Love and this is the only Lua implementation I have, I couldn't quickie test what one site told me I could do:
print( not -50 )
Known Issues:
When the big circle (the player sprite) matches up to the little circle (the cursor), it doesn't stop moving, it just sort of twitches. I'm not 100% sure what the deal is, but I may have to build in a "if we're within blah and blah, then set the X of the Player Sprite to the X of the Destination" type function.
Notes for the Future:
I'm thinking that in order to make it a much smoother progression, what I'm going to have to do is basically simplify the x/y axis costs and determine what the ratio is. Basically, if we've got 100 pixels to shift for X but 200 pixels to shift for Y, then for every 1 time we move X, we need to move Y twice (1:2). But if we're 100 away for X and 300 away for Y, for every time we move X, we need to move Y three times (1:3). If that makes any sense.