LÖVE on Android?

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LÖVE on Android?

Post by Illidane »

Is it possible to run love game on Android-based phone?
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by Gerrit »

From Wikipedia:
Applications written in C and other languages can be compiled to ARM native code and run, but this development path is not officially supported by Google.
ARM code can be compiled using GCC on a standard PC.[5] Running native code is complicated by the fact that Android uses a non-standard C library (known as Bionic).
3D graphics library based on OpenGL ES 1.0 specifications..
So basicly: Yes, it would be possible to get Löve to run but it would need some effort to make the changes to support OpenGL ES. Then you might want to add multi-touch too. I guess when Löve hits 1.0 in a couple of decades you can ask that question again. Until then the roadmap has other goals. If you still would like it try to do it yourself ;) But you should start smaller: Windows CE/Embedded devices (PDAs) & cellphones as an example. Or the iPhone. That shouldn't be that hard either.
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by Illidane »

Am I need root rights to run native applications on android? If it, then it's not possible to run my app on all of G1 phones that not jailbreaked ( thanks to T-mobile, or Google, don't know).
Is it possible to make java port of LÖVE?
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by Gerrit »

Illidane wrote:Am I need root rights to run native applications on android? If it, then it's not possible to run my app on all of G1 phones that not jailbreaked ( thanks to T-mobile, or Google, don't know).
Seems like you really need root rights. Dunno why they only allow java execution..
Illidane wrote: Is it possible to make java port of LÖVE?
Short: No. Löve and all libs it uses are mostly written in C. So you would have to rewrite everything from scratch. There are a few engines written in java but I guess theres none (that I know of) which uses lua.
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by farvardin »

scummvm was ported to android, and it's basicall C++ with a bit of java: http://sites.google.com/site/scummvmandroid/faq
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by TechnoCat »

Android 1.5 NDK, Release 1
Android wrote:The Android NDK is a companion tool to the Android SDK that lets Android application developers build performance-critical portions of their apps in native code.
The NDK provides:
  • A set of tools and build files used to generate native code libraries from C and C++ sources
  • A way to embed the corresponding native libraries into application package files (.apks) that can be deployed on Android devices
  • A set of native system headers and libraries that will be supported in all future versions of the Android platform, starting from Android 1.5
  • Documentation, samples, and tutorials
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by Jasoco »

Would be nice. Personally, I'd löve to see the LÖVE runtime ported to all the portable consumer devices. Android, iPhone, WebOS on the Palm, the new PSP thing. Even the Xbox. Create an XNA based runtime plugin that would accept a .love file. Think of the possibilities. Your LÖVE game on a HDTV. And I'm sure the Sony will have a way for "regular people" to program their own games for the PS3. All these devices today have ways for outsider "normal folks" to write their own games and apps. All we need is the right runtimes, a few hooks for the new input methods, (Obviously. The consoles would need to accept buttons instead of keys. The touch-based devices like the iPhone, Android and Palm would need to accept multiple touches at x and y instead of a single mouse, as well as orientation detection and shake detection.) and people who know how to program for those devices who also have a lot of dedication to actually making it work.

I mentioned the iPhone in another thread. How some companies have created runtimes that you dump into Xcode that would allow you to just create apps using JavaScript, HTML and CSS that ran in WebKit. They were basically like web sites that were self-contained and required no internet, allowing for people who don't know Cocoa/C++ to use what they know. Well, we know Löve.

If I knew anything about any of those languages, I'd create the runtimes myself. But then again, if I knew anything about those languages, I wouldn't be using Löve in the first place. I could look at the source code for the OS X version, but it would be futile. As it's all Greek to me.

It's a dream right now. Personally, I'd be aiming for either the XBLA ability or the iPhone/iPod touch.

Anything can be ported. It just requires someone with the knowledge and the will to actually do it.
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by bartbes »

Of course anything can be ported, but we need developer tools to do that, and, most importantly, we need the libs we use to run on the platform.
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by rude »

Android NDK? Cool! I'm not sure how much C++ it supports, though. I guess we can say good-bye to STL, among other things.
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Re: LÖVE on Android?

Post by bartbes »

It says so in the link TechnoCat provided, specifically a subsection of that: here.
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