What about some showcase games on LÖVE frontpage?

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What about some showcase games on LÖVE frontpage?

Post by SiENcE »

Thats the question.

We already have some great finished games made with LÖVE and nobody knows that.

On LÖVE frontpage are only screenshots from the samples.

I request to put some finished games on frontpage to show everyone what possible with LÖVE. One game at once but with rotation. Or something else. Whatever.
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Re: What about some showcase games on LÖVE frontpage?

Post by T-Bone »

Sounds good to me. I don't think I've played anything considered a "final product", so that would be interesting to see.
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Re: What about some showcase games on LÖVE frontpage?

Post by Robin »

There are some things that need considering, if we want it done well:
  • Authors/artists need to give permission for their games to be showcased on the LÖVE front page.
  • LÖVE would need to be more stable than it is now. I cannot explain this one, but it is my belief it is proper to wait with something like this.
  • There need to be more finished, polished games. In particular should there be finished, polished games available in more genres and art-styles than there are now, to avoid "pidgeonholing" LÖVE.
  • The big one: it needs to be maintained. It is very important those games don't go stale, are regularly refreshed, are replaced when the link goes down and the author drowns in a lake, are replaced when they are written for an older version of LÖVE and the author doesn't want to port their game to the latest version...
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Re: What about some showcase games on LÖVE frontpage?

Post by Inny »

A community raffle or election would be cool.

Also, to compare against something like Pygame: they don't discriminate between finished, polished products, and a code monkey's weekend worth of fritos, tab, and mountain dew type games. Everything goes. Maybe all it'd take is for Love's wiki to have some more love given to it. Encourage authors who have hit important milestones on their projects to add a good wiki page.
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Re: What about some showcase games on LÖVE frontpage?

Post by baconhawka7x »

I think that'd be awesome, and I think it also might be an excuse for some lovers to try to finish that next project that they probably wouldn't have otherwise; it's always nice to see your game on a website!
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