Basically I just have a couple of arrays that hold everything in the game, from fonts to images to objects. And all I do to clean memory it set them all to nil.
But some objects have properties or possibly other objects inside of them. For example:
Code: Select all
--Creating a game object
local ob = GameObject:init(0,0,"Images/Test.png")
print(ob.x) -- outputs the x
print(ob.sprite) -- outputs the image used to draw this object
While we're on the topic of memory, I'm trying to make my game as lag free as possible while at the same time having huge levels.
I noticed I had some lag with about ~2000 or so tiles in my game, not all displayed at once. After some testing I discovered I could get about 50k moving tiles in a separate file at 60 fps by simply not rendering those offscreen.
Going back to my game however, with 2k tiles it seems like the entire process of rendering is negligible to performance. On my laptop the game currently works at 50 fps, and removing the rendering, it's still at 50 fps. Removing the function that loops through the rendering array brings the fps up to 55. Why would a simple loop do that? This is all the code of the loop below:
Code: Select all
for i=1,max,1 do
local obj = renderArray[i]
if (obj.b2Object ~= nil) then
obj.b2Object.body:applyForce(0,obj.b2Object.gravityPull * gravity * 10)
obj.x = obj.b2Object.body:getX()
obj.y = obj.b2Object.body:getY()
obj.angle = obj.b2Object.body:getAngle() ;
local x,y = cam:worldCoords(obj.x,obj.y,scrW,scrH)
if(math.abs(camx - x) < 10000 and math.abs(camy - y) < 10000) then