I'm a bit sad that I had to bring this to public but obvious I can't let this go without clarification.
from #love (full log here:
[22:48] Maurice_ (...) joined #love
[22:48] Nick change: Maurice_ -> Guest3620
[22:49] <Guest3620> I gotta say I find that post about "Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne" sort of offensive. No need to badmouth mari0 by claiming "15 minutes of fame".
[23:05] <Guest3620>
[23:06] <Guest3620> I understand that he needs to promote his (friend's?) game, but I see no reason for such hostility towards another löve game
[23:06] <Guest3620> obviously i'm a "little" biased here.
[23:15] <Guest3620> but the message of that post is clear
[23:15] <Guest3620> "mari0 is worse than this."
[23:15] <Guest3620> I just feel attacked
I'm not badmouthing anyone and if you are mentioned in my post/thread is because a very simple and good thing. You game is or was (sorry?!?) the reference of most successful/mediatic game made with LOVE. I can't ever imagine where and how I say in some way that your "game is worse" specially technically because isn't hard to see that Mari0 is light-years from (unfinished) Hawkthorne.
I understand if it's probably due some bad interpretation of 15 minutes of the prophetical phrase of Andy Warhol (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15_minutes_of_fame). The 15 mins of fame principle in media is very simple. Media get "bored" very quickly and his spot turns quickly to something else. So eventually anyone/anything have a chance of get his 15 minutes of fame.
So analyzing my post my post to check where I saying bad or untrue things about your game Maurice:
Mari0 already had his 15 minutes of fame
Didn't already Mari0 have his quota of media exposure?
Didn't Hawkthorne getting now his media exposure time?
Mari0 is probably no longer the most famous LOVE game since major websites like TV.com and Huffington Post made articles about another LOVE game
Didn't Hawkthorne getting more "quality" media exposure than that Mari0 did? Yes, It's a fact, googling both projects just show how Hawkthorne is being hyped and the this bubble seems still be growing (started around 6th June). Mari0 had interesting references in very important gaming sites but Hakwthorne being TV related had the luck of get mention in Tv.com, Huffington, Spiegel, brazilian general sites like omeleta. I'm being objective and informative nothing more. Neither I'm trying to take anything from you. The "15 minutes" spot, sorry isn't eternal. Already was highlighting something else before Hawkthorne. As I say in thread title "A new LÖVE game-star is rising!" I'm wrong?
I'm just glad that more LOVE games got exposure. Didn't you too? That is basically the 15 mins fame principle. That everyone gets his own small share. Are you mad that it happened? Sorry, I'm not the media to blame, it just happens naturally to everyone and I really hope that when Hawkthorne lost his 15 minutes the spot returns to another LOVE game again.
Do I have any relation with Hawkthorne author? No, Funny thing is that I didn't even participate in anything made in that reddit thread. Another funny thing it's that I never had saw before a full Community episode. Only found few days ago in my local cable the channel that was broadcasting it.
Maurice and probably it could had help if before unleash your fury about my post you check my "credentials" of what I said before about you and your creations. You could really find interesting things like:
How strange that if I'm a Mari0 "hater" or from some "enemy" game I even spent time helping your players:
or I spent time posting about YOUR'S "15 minutes of time" in media:
And if I hate you so much that I even made the mistake of say good things about another of your games:
Pfff, I'm pathetic I guess I should be really masochist.
Next time, please instead of complain somewhere about the things I wrote you can try post about it in the relative thread or even msg me. Even that my english is terrible I'm sure that quickly things I say are clarified without no more harm to all parts.
I ask sorry if you felt insulted in any way by my words but as I see I have serious doubts that I said anything harmful or disrespectful about you and your games.