Love on Linux Mint.

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Love on Linux Mint.

Post by kyraneth »

Hey guys, first of all, congratulations on the fantastic community ! :nyu:

Now i was trying to install love these past few days but no luck :( I have tried to download the .deb package (they work with Linux Mint, the OS I am using) but somehow, i didn't find a "love" package. I then followed the instructions in the doc to compile the source, i downloaded all the files, but i fail to understand the next step described in the docs, where it says "just write 'make'". Can anyone help me?
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by bartbes »

That means you have to open a terminal (is located somewhere in the Applications menu, can't tell I'm on a localized version). Go the dir where you stored it. (use the 'cd' command), and type 'make' (both without quotation).

Probably it's still easier to use the deb. Find where you saved it, double-click and a screen will pop up, asking you if you want to install it. Click the install button and enter your password, sit back and wait, it will be installed for you.
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by kyraneth »

thank you for the quick reply!

Sadly, it still doesn't work :( i'm usually not that stupid ;)

I downladed the source, extracted it, and followed your exact instructions. this is what i got:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

I downloaded the deb package and installed it. is that all? i can't find the love directory anywhere...

excuse my unusual slowness, i usually install all my software automatically from the synaptic manager :)
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by bartbes »

There is no love directory.

Basically you're set now. I'd suggest adding the .love mimetype and icon so you can double-click open .love files. And from the same terminal you ran make you can execute love dirs and .loves with the command love.

Code: Select all

(assuming you have that file in the current directory)

EDIT: forgot link:
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by kyraneth »

ah I see.
but everytime i'm trying to lunch love i get this error:

Code: Select all

INIT love.filesystem [PhysFS]
INIT [OpenGL/DevIL/FreeType]
INIT [SDL_mixer]
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
SDLMixerAudio: Unable to open audio!
QUIT [SDL_mixer]
QUIT [OpenGL/DevIL/FreeType]
QUIT love.filesystem [PhysFS]
Also what threw me off was this article:

How to execute the main.lua file without dragging in to an executable? i guess by using the love function on the terminal..

edit: oops, i just saw your edit :oops:
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by bartbes »

Well, the error you get is sound (logically), do you have a sound card, do you use ALSA? If both of these are answered with yes then you should try rebooting (because you're sound device is locked), or closing a program that might be locking your sound card (mostly programs using OSS).

I hope this wasn't too complicated, but if it is, ask me, I'll be glad to explain some more.

The mimetypes: I forgot that, added it later, reread my previous post. (just like people forgetting attachments...)
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by kyraneth »

thank you very much! it's all working now :D

one last question: so when i write my game, i save it as a .love not lua right?
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by bartbes »

Wrong! (sorry, couldn't resist)

A .love is a renamed zip. In the zip are main.lua game.conf and any other file part of your game (in the root dir, not in a subdir).
So for testing it is most useful and fastest if you run directories. (i.e. love <directory name>)
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by kyraneth »

lol :D

I finally get it now thank you for your amazing help :D:D
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Re: Love on Linux Mint.

Post by bartbes »

Everything to help others. (well, not EVERYTHING, you know what I mean)
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