Love Achievements

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Re: Love Achievements

Post by LiquidHelium »

Thanks for all the nice words guys!
coffee wrote:
TechnoCat wrote:Very cool library you made here.

Does it have persistence between sessions?

And probably way out of your scope, but how about a central repo for storing our achievements online with methods for comparing with other people's achievements? I've been wanting to make something like this, but I feel it needs https.
It keeps a txt file "achievements.txt" (that could actually be configurable/initialized without mess with lib). Persistence worked very well as from I saw in Mega example. Only problems could be the existence of cheating/no encryption if we intend a more serious achievement system.
Currently there isn't any encryption but you'd need to know the unique IDs of the achievements if you want to cheat, and the unique IDs are never shown to the player (or should never be) so you'd have to extract the source code from the love files to get the IDs and cheat, and if you are willing to do that you are probably willing to just copy all the achievementSystem:UnlockAchievement() methods into love.load() and cheat that way, which I don't think there would be much I could do about.
Your repo idea would be nice. If Hellium extend it some day with some .lua to contact a configured server (or even provide some basic php ladder management since he seems have knowledge of it) would make this achievement system most complete.
This sounds really cool, albeit something I wasn't intending to be in the scope of this project, I'll think about working on it in the future, but I'm probably going to run into the same problem as above, people could just extract the source code and cheat, except with an online system they would probably have more incentive to.
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Re: Love Achievements

Post by LiquidHelium »

I dunno how double posting is viewed on this forum but I have got a lot of the rough edges off of this thing that I figure I should post, so here is hoping I don't get banned :P.

Since the original post some stuff has changed, if you already have this working in your game just update your achievements.lua file, then download the new files in achievements/res and you should be fine.

Firstly as per Robin's suggestion I have licensed it under the zlib/libpng license, so no need to ask for my permission any more.

Secondly I have implemented a universal way to see all the achievements in a game and what you have unlocked/have yet to get, by default it is viewed by holding down =, there is also a message at the start of the game telling the player this. You can still implement the achievements list in your game's GUI using the same method as before if you want though.

I also added some config options to change the colors/disable the intro/change the button to view the achievements list. Info on how to use them is ... ig-Options

I put some better documentation on my GitHub wiki also:

Here is a video showing some of the new stuff
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Re: Love Achievements

Post by Jasoco »

This is really neat. I am keeping an eye on this for when the time comes. Will be easier than writing my own from scratch. Keep it coming.
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Re: Love Achievements

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

I tried it, really nice! I like it.
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