.love file

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.love file

Post by nemo »

Hi, I've just started my LOVE education and I find this platform a rgeat tool for beginner game designer's. I've got some questions for You.

How to create a separate .love file? I know how to run a source code in LUA script using love.exe, but I don;'t know how to create an executable.

Please wrtie soon
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Re: .love file

Post by ido »

Zip the (content of the)* directory that contains your main.lua & game.conf files and change the suffix to .love.

To make an executable out of the .love file read this.

* thanks Kaze
Last edited by ido on Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: .love file

Post by Kaze »

ido wrote:Zip the directory
Zip the contents of the directory, not the directory itself. :)
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