I'm slowly moving forward with my dungeons, but there is still a lot to learn.
anyway I just decided to add a "text bubbles" so the monsters could speak.
I managed to make some kind of bubbles (just a rectangle so far) but don't know how to add some text to it to have it in one field (text)
here it goes:
"u" stands for unit
"fs" - fontSize - that's something lige grid size
Code: Select all
u.text = love.graphics.rectangle("fill", u.x * fs, u.y * fs, 100, 20)
Code: Select all
u.text = {
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", u.x * fs, u.y * fs, 100, 20)
love.graphics.rectangle("line", u.x * fs, u.y * fs, 100, 20)
love.graphics.print("blablabla", u.x * fs + 5, u.y * fs + 5, 100, 20)
file just in case
(units.lua - there is a unit.txt, player.lua - theres a function that adds rectangle to unit)
to see a bubble, you must be "touching" a monster
and that is for love 8.0 - otherwise PO2 !!!!