update : pixelfont now working, check out sinescroller =)
http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/lov ... escroller/
Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)
- ghoulsblade
- Party member
- Posts: 111
- Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:11 pm
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
love-android - gamejams
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
Code: Select all
MyCheckGLError(UpdateGlFloatBuffer) : gl.getError() : 1285 : OUT_OF_MEMORY stack=MyGetStackTrace()@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/utils.webgl.js:157
UpdateGlFloatBuffer([object WebGLRenderingContext],[object WebGLBuffer],[object Array],35044)@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/utils.webgl.js:184
DrawSpriteAux([object WebGLTexture],[object WebGLBuffer],17,2,872,207,0,1.169607843137255,1,0,0)@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/love.render.js:83
DrawSprite([object WebGLTexture],17,2,872,207,0,1.169607843137255,1,0,0)@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/love.render.js:38
([object Object],872,207,0,1.169607843137255)@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/love.graphics.js:90
lua_rawcall((function (drawable, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy) {var o = drawable._data;if (o.IsImage()) {DrawSprite(o.GetTextureID(), o.getWidth(), o.getHeight(), x, y, r || 0, sx || 1, sy || 1, ox || 0, oy || 0);} else {o.RenderSelf(x, y, r || 0, sx || 1, sy || 1, ox || 0, oy || 0);}return LuaNil;}),[object Array])@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/lua-parser.js:1262
lua_call((function (drawable, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy) {var o = drawable._data;if (o.IsImage()) {DrawSprite(o.GetTextureID(), o.getWidth(), o.getHeight(), x, y, r || 0, sx || 1, sy || 1, ox || 0, oy || 0);} else {o.RenderSelf(x, y, r || 0, sx || 1, sy || 1, ox || 0, oy || 0);}return LuaNil;}),[object Array])@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/lua-parser.js:1274
lua_rawcall((function () {var tmp;lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [33, 33, 40]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "quad"), ["fill", 0, 300, 0, 600, 800, 600, 800, 300]);var var_13 = 1, stop_13 = lua_assertfloat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.string, "len"), [G.str.textstring])[0]);for (; var_13 <= stop_13; var_13++) {var _i_13 = var_13;lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [lua_subtract(255, lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed")), lua_subtract(255, lua_divide(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed"), 2)), 150, lua_multiply(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed"), 0.9)]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "draw"), [G.str.star, lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "x"), lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "y"), 0, lua_add(lua_divide(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed"), 255), 0.55)]);var _yflip_14 = lua_add(lua_add(lua_add(G.str.yBase, 40), G.str.scrollerHeight), lua_divide(lua_multiply(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "sin"), [lua_tableget(G.str.angle, _i_13)])[0], G.str.scrollerHeight), 2));var _y_14 = lua_subtract(lua_subtract(G.str.yBase, G.str.scrollerHeight), lua_multiply(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "sin"), [lua_tableget(G.str.angle, _i_13)])[0], G.str.scrollerHeight));G.str.c = lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.string, "sub"), [G.str.textstring, _i_13, _i_13])[0];if (lua_lt(lua_multiply(2, lua_unm(G.str.letterSize)), lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13)) && lua_lt(lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13), 850)) {lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [255, 255, G.str.col, 40]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setFont"), [G.str.flippedfont]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "print"), [G.str.c, lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13)])[0]].concat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [_yflip_14])));lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [255, 255, G.str.col, 255]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setFont"), [G.str.font]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "print"), [G.str.c, lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13)])[0]].concat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [_y_14])));}}lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [255, 255, 255, 175]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setFont"), [G.str.planetfont]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "print"), [G.str.textstring2, lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.scroller2, "x")])[0]].concat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.scroller2, "y")])));return [];}),[object Array])@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/lua-parser.js:1262
lua_call((function () {var tmp;lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [33, 33, 40]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "quad"), ["fill", 0, 300, 0, 600, 800, 600, 800, 300]);var var_13 = 1, stop_13 = lua_assertfloat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.string, "len"), [G.str.textstring])[0]);for (; var_13 <= stop_13; var_13++) {var _i_13 = var_13;lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [lua_subtract(255, lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed")), lua_subtract(255, lua_divide(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed"), 2)), 150, lua_multiply(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed"), 0.9)]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "draw"), [G.str.star, lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "x"), lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "y"), 0, lua_add(lua_divide(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.stars, _i_13), "speed"), 255), 0.55)]);var _yflip_14 = lua_add(lua_add(lua_add(G.str.yBase, 40), G.str.scrollerHeight), lua_divide(lua_multiply(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "sin"), [lua_tableget(G.str.angle, _i_13)])[0], G.str.scrollerHeight), 2));var _y_14 = lua_subtract(lua_subtract(G.str.yBase, G.str.scrollerHeight), lua_multiply(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "sin"), [lua_tableget(G.str.angle, _i_13)])[0], G.str.scrollerHeight));G.str.c = lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.string, "sub"), [G.str.textstring, _i_13, _i_13])[0];if (lua_lt(lua_multiply(2, lua_unm(G.str.letterSize)), lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13)) && lua_lt(lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13), 850)) {lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [255, 255, G.str.col, 40]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setFont"), [G.str.flippedfont]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "print"), [G.str.c, lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13)])[0]].concat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [_yflip_14])));lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [255, 255, G.str.col, 255]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setFont"), [G.str.font]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "print"), [G.str.c, lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.x, _i_13)])[0]].concat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [_y_14])));}}lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setColor"), [255, 255, 255, 175]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "setFont"), [G.str.planetfont]);lua_call(lua_tableget(lua_tableget(G.str.love, "graphics"), "print"), [G.str.textstring2, lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.scroller2, "x")])[0]].concat(lua_call(lua_tableget(G.str.math, "floor"), [lua_tableget(G.str.scroller2, "y")])));return [];}),[object Array])@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/lua-parser.js:1274
call_love_callback_guarded("draw",[object Array])@http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/love-webplayer/js/main.js:152
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg = love.graphics
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg = love.graphics
- ghoulsblade
- Party member
- Posts: 111
- Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:11 pm
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
urrr. do you know what graphics card you have and/or how much video-ram it has ? or was it on smartphone rather than pc ?
what browser +version did you use ? maybe there's a limit to how much vram webgl can use in some browsers.
Very weird, there's not really big textures or stuff like that, i'll double check if geometry buffers are reallocated everytime they're just supposed to be updated or something like this.
no sound/audio : that's normal so far, not implemented yet in webplayer =)
thanks for testing!
urrr. do you know what graphics card you have and/or how much video-ram it has ? or was it on smartphone rather than pc ?
what browser +version did you use ? maybe there's a limit to how much vram webgl can use in some browsers.
Very weird, there's not really big textures or stuff like that, i'll double check if geometry buffers are reallocated everytime they're just supposed to be updated or something like this.
no sound/audio : that's normal so far, not implemented yet in webplayer =)
thanks for testing!
love-android - gamejams
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
I was using Firefox on Windows XP, I've got 1GB ram (doesn't matter, I think) and an Intel Display Adapter 945 or something like that
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg = love.graphics
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg = love.graphics
- Felipe Budinich
- Citizen
- Posts: 67
- Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:36 pm
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
I had written a long, comprehensive, insightful post, and then... my session timed out. So, you'll get a link dump instead:
Audio sucks, but web audio api sucks more, as it is ridden with obscure bugs, use flash for sound instead, and fallback to <audio> (yes mobiles do not have flashplayer, newsflash: mobile browsers play 1 sound at a time, tops, using html5 audio):
http://www.lostdecadegames.com/audia-is ... audio-api/ <- if you feel like going bald young.
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Blocklisting/B ... cs_Drivers
Only use the 2d context of canvas, that way you'll be able to use stuff like appMobi's DirectCanvas, iOS Impact, CocoonJs (Phonegap, titanium etc, suck, they are only wrappers tha provide no performance boosts):
good luck! (I've been doing HTML5 development the last couple of months, and it's awful)
edit: added the quote that made write this post.
Audio sucks, but web audio api sucks more, as it is ridden with obscure bugs, use flash for sound instead, and fallback to <audio> (yes mobiles do not have flashplayer, newsflash: mobile browsers play 1 sound at a time, tops, using html5 audio):
http://www.lostdecadegames.com/audia-is ... audio-api/ <- if you feel like going bald young.
WebGl sucks, there is a blacklist of unsupported video cards:Nixola wrote:I was using Firefox on Windows XP, I've got 1GB ram (doesn't matter, I think) and an Intel Display Adapter 945 or something like that
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Blocklisting/B ... cs_Drivers
Only use the 2d context of canvas, that way you'll be able to use stuff like appMobi's DirectCanvas, iOS Impact, CocoonJs (Phonegap, titanium etc, suck, they are only wrappers tha provide no performance boosts):
good luck! (I've been doing HTML5 development the last couple of months, and it's awful)
edit: added the quote that made write this post.
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
I'd say at least fallback to canvas. Canvas drawing DOES have hardware acceleration in Firefox and Chrome. They are also implemented on mobile platforms.Felipe Budinich wrote:Only use the 2d context of canvas, that way you'll be able to use stuff like appMobi's DirectCanvas, iOS Impact, CocoonJs (Phonegap, titanium etc, suck, they are only wrappers tha provide no performance boosts):
good luck! (I've been doing HTML5 development the last couple of months, and it's awful)
edit: added the quote that made write this post.
I did read that they were implementing WebGL for mobile devices, but I'm not sure if that's dead or not, I have not seen any such code. Again mentioned, WebGL is not an HTML5 standard, its a khonos standard, because its not managed by W3C. Browsers do not have to support WebGL in order to be considered HTML5 compatible, and therefore I don't know if they will.
Canvas drawing might provide a better solution, you'll still get hardware acceleration. You won't get shaders, however as mentioned, at least use canvas as a fallback. You're target audience is still restricted by who's graphics cards work with WebGL and who's browsers work with webGL(FF and Chrome), and that's a lot of people.
- ghoulsblade
- Party member
- Posts: 111
- Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:11 pm
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
I'm gonna stick with webgl, if you want canvas-only please send a pull request for a fallback implementation once you have the code ready =P
A few people in this thread and irc have already run the webgl demo on smartphones i think.
A few people in this thread and irc have already run the webgl demo on smartphones i think.
love-android - gamejams
- TechnoCat
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Re: Love2D WebPlayer
Android devices with Firefox Beta or Opera Mobile have WebGL implementations. Both browsers are free in the Android Market.ghoulsblade wrote:I'm gonna stick with webgl, if you want canvas-only please send a pull request for a fallback implementation once you have the code ready =P
A few people in this thread and irc have already run the webgl demo on smartphones i think.
Re: Love2D WebPlayer
Doesn't work in Windows Phone 7 IE, iOS 5.1 Safari and Opera Mobile.
Sorry for my English.
Translated by Google translate.
Translated by Google translate.
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