vsync problem

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vsync problem

Post by molul »

For some reason, vsync doesn't seem to work on my game. I have this in my conf.lua:

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function love.conf(t)
	t.screen.width = 1280
	t.screen.height = 720
	t.screen.fullscreen = false
	t.screen.fsaa = 8
	t.screen.vsync = true
	t.console = true
, and while the rest of the variables work fine, the screen doesn't refresh properly (there is this "line" continously moving from the bottom to the top of the window/screen when the camera moves horizontally). I'm getting constant 60fps, so I don't think it's a matter of performance. Could you please tell me if I'm doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.

Using Löve2D 0.7.2, by the way.
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Re: vsync problem

Post by rvj »

I don't have any good ideas about your problem but just in case it helps:

success = love.graphics.setMode( width, height, fullscreen, vsync, fsaa )

setMode has a parameter for vsync so if you set the mode somewhere in your script, you might have accidentally turned it off.
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Re: vsync problem

Post by Boolsheet »

If the framerate gets limited to 60 fps it's a good sign that LÖVE succesfully told the OpenGL driver to turn vsync on. It's up to the driver and the screen to display the image at the right time. I have this issue too (sometimes) and I suspect my display does something wonky.
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Re: vsync problem

Post by molul »

rvj wrote:I don't have any good ideas about your problem but just in case it helps:

success = love.graphics.setMode( width, height, fullscreen, vsync, fsaa )

setMode has a parameter for vsync so if you set the mode somewhere in your script, you might have accidentally turned it off.
Thanks, rvj. That fixed the vsync problem, but now the fsaa doesn't work lol. Should I report it as a bug?

EDIT: LOL, now I've returned to my previous approach (using conf.lua instead of love.graphics.setMode and everything is working perfect O_o
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