I sketched it out. We need to track the number of draw calls for a particular prop, and make sure we have an instance for each. So we create a lookup table to associate a prop with all instances of it.SiENcE wrote:Yes thats exactly my Idea 2. I'm fiddling with it, but i cant get it working.
Code: Select all
__prop_instances = {}
Code: Select all
__prop_instances[prop] = {index=1; prop}
The index is used for rendering. Before our rendering pass, we reset it to 1. After we render a prop, we increment the index. If we need to render a prop but the index is higher than the number of available instances, we clone a new instance and add it to the list.
The code:
Changes to main loop (main.lua):
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
love = {}
love.graphics = {}
local __prop_instances = {}
local function clonePropInstance(prop)
local copy = MOAIProp2D.new()
table.insert(__prop_instances[prop], copy)
return copy
function love.graphics.newImage(file)
local prop = MOAIProp2D.new ()
prop.texture = MOAITexture.new ()
prop.texture:load ( file )
local xtex, ytex = prop.texture:getSize ()
prop.gfxQuad = MOAIGfxQuad2D.new ()
prop.gfxQuad:setTexture ( prop.texture )
prop.gfxQuad:setRect ( xtex/2*-1, ytex/2*-1, xtex/2, ytex/2 )
prop:setDeck(prop.gfxQuad )
prop:setLoc ( -1000, -1000 ) --hack to place the gfx ouside the screen
layer:insertProp ( prop )
__prop_instances[prop] = {index=1; prop }
return prop
local __renderlist = {}
function love.graphics:___renderinit()
__renderlist = {}
function love.graphics:___render()
-- new frame; reset instance index
for _,prop in pairs(__prop_instances) do
prop.index = 1
for i,renderitem in ipairs(__renderlist) do
local prop, x, y = unpack(renderitem)
-- get an instance of this prop, creating a new one if all existing ones have been used
local instances = __prop_instances[prop]
if instances.index > #instances then
local renderprop = instances[instances.index]
instances.index = instances.index + 1
renderprop:setLoc(prop, x, y)
function love.graphics.draw( prop, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy )
table.insert(__renderlist, {prop, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy })
function love.graphics.setBackgroundColor() end
function love.graphics.setColor() end
function love.graphics.newImageFont() end
function love.graphics.quad() end
function love.graphics.setFont() end
function love.graphics.print() end
love.audio = {}
function love.audio.play() end
function love.audio.newSource() end
love.filesystem = {}
function love.filesystem.load() end