What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by coffee »

StoneCrow wrote:Seems like every time i get anywhere with a project i come up with better ways of doing things.
Cartographer is now going to feature a library im writing which handles ingame windows which are compatible with seperate camera types per window called A.W.O.L, active window object layer :monocle: .
changed image for tech demo, early stages though, later things are still in the peicing it together stage.
It's looking good. Since you already have a solid project in works and have material to show why you do a topic in Projects forum? :)
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by StoneCrow »

coffee wrote:It's looking good. Since you already have a solid project in works and have material to show why you do a topic in Projects forum? :)
Thanks :3 . its mostly because projects tend to float in and out of priority for me, although i might when i finish the AWOL library for it.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by McClane »

Since i'm learning programming stuff, i'm reading alot and trying to figure the basics about Löve and Lua.
After failing a Pong in Blitz Basic (it kinda works but some bugs defeated me) i was checking out the Allegro library (because i'm currently learning C) and well, it's not bad but a hell more of work. So i though of trying something more neat and fast, with a scripting language, so i had some reading about Lua and i think i found what i was looking for! :awesome:

I tried a few thing but really noob stuff so far, i plan to make a Pong game to get along.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by slime »

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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by StoneCrow »

slime wrote:...
Wow looking as great as ever :)

Edit : Cartographer is back on track, gonna start a thread as soon as i have the features that were in the non AWOL version working.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Jack5500 »

I'm working on a 2D (duh) platformer. By now I have a tile based map system and a jumping character that gets ported to the ther side when leaving the screen. As well as a recangle making up the ground.If you have any suggestions or interesting features (code-wise) fell free to let me know:


Oh, and one Question: Fizz or Hadron Collider?
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by ivan »

I'm working on a chess game for iOS, written in Lua and AGen using the faile chess engine.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by help computer »

I'm currently working on nothing. Been away from LOve (and Lua) for a couple of months, just started to blue-sky retarded ideas again.
Jack5500 wrote:Oh, and one Question: Fizz or Hadron Collider?
I had no problems at all with Hardon Collider, very easy to understand and work with. Haven't tried Fizz.

As for quick platformer ideas.... how about one where you can only collide with platforms the same colour as yourself (which you can change), like an Ikaruga type thing.
Furiously typing ned.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Nixola »

I'm working on Snake for a Minecraft mod, Computercraft, that adds dos-like PCs with a Lua OS
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg = love.graphics
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by owen »

I am new here. Not working on anything specific in love2d yet. Right now I am hoping to see if I can find a lua programmer to help design some new levels for my wii homebrew game, currently all the levels are hacked together in Lua using a very basic api that you can only test by saving it on a sd card and launching it on an actual wii. If you have some free time, a wii, and alot of patience then send me a pm. I won't be able to pay you but you will get a credit screen :).

Apart from that I think I will try to make a 2d level layout tool that saves/loads a level to and from a text file. But I am still search around to see if it has been done already in love2d.
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