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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by coffee »

MarekkPie wrote:I think the "Look" in your other statement, coffee, is what conveyed aggression. I imagine a husband and wife nagging at each other, with one ending with "Look, I'm not going to visit your mother for the fourth time this month. That's final!"
Lol, ya Marek, me and scirath are a couple of married "lovers" and as "swingers" we are seeking actually someone for a ménage-a-trois. I hopefully desire that you accept that or otherwise you must at least do the role of mother. So "look" mommy, can you get time to receive us next week? :D

@scirath No, I'm not english fluent and usually a lot of people around in forum point me that weakness of mine. Actually would be enough be from an english country? 2 britons were arrested in america for their written english. If fluent spoken english people even can't understand between them perhaps my english isn't so bad. ;)
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by scirath »

Well, it's still got coffee's hated 3-hit enemy only, but I've added a second player weapon, toned down (& capped) the speed-ups, tinkered with the horde (heh, again ... trying to keep the pressure up, but not right from the start), made the power-ups have different colors (shields=gray, speed-shot booster=light blue, & 2nd weapon=green), and *drumroll* added the much-needed pause button (escape to pause/unpause). You can also toggle between 800x600 fullscreen & windowed mode with the 'F' key. Concentrated so much on getting that stuff in this morning that I forgot to update the credits for playtesters' names (d'oh!) ... I'll catch up on that as soon as I can.
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@coffee: Your English is quite decent. Hell, it's more understandable than some of my relatives, who've supposedly grown up speaking & writing it....
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by coffee »

Nice Additions. More fun to play;
- The power up colors is a relief. Power ups now much better and balanced.
- New gun brings more fun. Perhaps it takes still a bit the game warm-up (in other words till we get the weapons power-ups)
- Perhaps there is some random problem. Power-ups come too concentred in time and shield are very rare.
- My problem now is that I never get more far than 30k points. The screen is always overrun of ships and even the new weapon can't "clean" the skies. Also if we die there is impossible to come back to game. There isn't reborn protection, no space to reborn and extra ships collected start to die over and over without chance.
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by scirath »

Mmm, yes... The Horde shall prevail......

Seriously, it will. The game doesn't have an upper limit on its generation. It starts off slow ... 3 enemies on-screen at once, then when you score three kills, it increments to 4 at once ... up to ten. From there, it gets tricky. You start with a base of 10, then add one-tenth the current max enemy: once that number is killed, it increments again (from 10 to 20, the increment is 2; from 20 to 50, it's 5; and after that, it's one-tenth of the current amount) ... long story short, they flood the screen if ever given a moment's chance (which frequently happens on a dodge). I'm usually too focused to keep specific track of it, but it seems to be around the 3rd one-up for me, sometimes longer ... depends on if I blink or not, LOL. I've found that snaking from side-to-side right before that first one-up helps keep them mowed back for awhile. I also tend to push the ship forward to its maximum vertical limit & hold it there; I can duck back from a shot once or twice that way and still get a second or two to recover enough space to move forward. ... Once they start clustering up behind your chosen line of action though, you're pretty much done for (I've managed a couple recoveries, but not much to speak of).

When I began the game, the only "objective" it had was to shoot as many as you could. That's still the main thing, I think (it was never meant to have any sort of depth at all) ... pretty much one of the old quarter-eating arcade games from the 80's (yeah, I know, most of those you could win at some point or another; this one, you really can't in the end). All that aside, one of the bizarre things that's emerged for me and a couple other testers has been a sort of "how long can you fend them off?" objective. It's like you're the last warrior standing on a battlefield that you've sworn not to run away from, and you know you're about to die. *Chuckles.* Or something.

Weapon speed-ups have a chance to appear once there's 8 or more enemies on screen at once (the soonest that can happen is after 25 kills), and the energy bomb weapon has a chance to appear after there's 10 or more enemies on screen (soonest is after 42 kills). The shields power-up, hurm ... it's not tied to the enemy, just your shields (if they're at max, no new ones will be generated, as they degrade, the power-up will generate more frequently), but hmm'ing again; I think the chance to generate is set too low, actually ... at least once the enemies really start cranking out.

Safe zone .... when the ship goes transparent & you can't fire (while reviving), you can't be hit, either ... that works for earlier parts of the game, but with the horde, no ... every now & then you can make it to a small pocket, but it usually just gives them a chance to swarm past your line of action. I'm really not sure how to handle that and still keep the horde flood. Two rough ideas that come to me at the moment are to simply restart the player at the beginning, or to make the collision with the player ship set off a nasty explosion that wipes out a good chunk of the screen (that latter could be kind of fun to watch, actually.....).

Edit: Almost forgot, I was going to mention how that new weapon works. When it strikes an enemy, it uses their midpoint to create a 32-pixel square; everything in that area is dealt 3 points of damage (instant death for this type of enemy). Then it widens to a 64-pixel square & inflicts 2 hits on anything there. And finally, the square widens to 96 pixels and deals a single point to any enemies in that area. It's good for clearing out closely-packed clusters, although at the same time, it adds up toward your difficulty increase.

But anywho ... 31,575, eh? Not too shabby...
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by scirath »

Ooo. Another idea just occurred to me: chain reactions. What do folks think about giving enemy ships a chance that, when they explode, they do radial damage to things in their vicinity (sort of like the energy bomb weapon)? If so, how big of a chance, and should it apply to the player as well (as in, careful not to shoot 'em too close to ya)? Perhaps bonus points to go with getting a certain number of them chained together?
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by scirath »

Hehe. I started experimenting with chain reactions. Some good leads, some horrible.

And some.....?

Well, some <expletive>-ups are just too freaking awesome NOT to share.
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Play until the horde starts swarming really well, then take advantage of the opportunity to pile on a bunch of lives (yeah, one of the many reasons this experiment won't fly) ... 25 to 30 or so should be good; the more the better, though .... it gives you more enemies in the swarm. Then, back off to the bottom of the screen & stop firing (the reason you'll want a buttload of lives). Let the horde overrun you & fill up the screen.

Then hold down fire long enough to get a shot off.

Just one danged shot...

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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by coffee »

scirath wrote:Hehe. I started experimenting with chain reactions. Some good leads, some horrible.

And some.....?

Well, some <expletive>-ups are just too freaking awesome NOT to share.
Tested quicky just for you that chain reaction. Well without some good graphical animation won't work. The death of adjacent enemies "seems" a bug and not really provoked by the "chain reaction". You kind need to make that enemy "chain-reaction" ship explode. Why not start testing with a simple circular half-alpha growing to some radius range (and then collapse back)?

About my screenshot I wasn't showing off or compete who's best. :P
I just played to screenshoot and show you that starting around 25k-30k points screen gets too full of enemies. Being a high score screenshot and actually my death in that game was an accident since I was trying your new pause feature with "p"... :D

Ah ok, so that's why I got so few shields power-up. Clever.

About the safety zone don't know. Auto-kill the enemies around player for a couple of seconds?
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by scirath »

coffee wrote:About my screenshot I wasn't showing off or compete who's best. :P
Hehe, but that's kinda the point with these games. :D
coffee wrote:I just played to screenshoot and show you that starting around 25k-30k points screen gets too full of enemies.
Yeah, it does. Other than a way of ending a game that doesn't have an ending otherwise, it's something that would need a more robust design to take care of.
coffee wrote:actually my death in that game was an accident since I was trying your new pause feature with "p"... :D
Ahh, perhaps I should move pause to 'P' ... I know one of the playtesters said something about he thought pushing escape should let you escape. He said it with a laugh, so I'm not completely sure what he meant.
coffee wrote:Well without some good graphical animation won't work. The death of adjacent enemies "seems" a bug and not really provoked by the "chain reaction". You kind need to make that enemy "chain-reaction" ship explode. Why not start testing with a simple circular half-alpha growing to some radius range (and then collapse back)? .... About the safety zone don't know. Auto-kill the enemies around player for a couple of seconds?
Aye, it definitely needs a visual cue so the player can figure out what just happened. Debris, smoke, and/or a firecloud maybe? It needs work.

Collision testing is pretty basic. I tried out framebuffers the very first time around (object on a black background, do a getPixel(), and if comes up with anything other than black, then you've got a hit). It worked, but was horribly slow. I dropped the idea for the ol' "box around the object" checking, narrowing it down for odd-shaped stuff like the player ship. Heh; it actually gives you a bigger target area for those little enemy ships. With the player ship, the only "bigger target" it yields is the empty space between the two main guns, so not too bad.

Between that and safety-zoning, the code is getting a mess to work with. Each new idea just adds more clutter, so last night I decided it was high time to stop putting off that code clean-up. I suspect it's going to take me a few days, because I have to pull a 34-hour weekend at work.
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by josefnpat »

Very cool, I finally got a chance to play this game.

A few things I've noticed:

1) Watch out for the white matt on the lua logo in the lua icon on the credits.
2) What do the power ups do? This would be something nice to have in the instructions section.
3) Pressing enter is not intuitive at some points. Tell the player?
4) On the main screen, light up the words when the mouse hover over them, and when you click
5) The main menu is rather ... alone. Try adding something fun, or interesting. Or even the name of the game.
6) F key is not documented.
7) I can't hold two movement keys at once (e.g. up and left)
8) Awesome job on the original music
9) Very nice sprites. Awesome coordination with the other artists, or at least for giving them credit.
10) ESC should not pause and unpause, i find it unintuitive. I use ESC to escape a game, not to pause it. Perhaps add, "Press esc again to quit, and spacebar to continue"

Very nice game :)
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Re: SpaceHorde

Post by scirath »

@josefnpat: Uh-oh. ... The white matte raises a flag. I've been trying to compensate for PO2 gremlins, and that sounds like their hijinx. Would you mind taking a screen shot of it for me so I've got a better idea what to look at?

The infoscreens were written prior to powerups, fullscreen, & pause. I hadn't touched them yet, since they're not composited graphics (something I think I'm going to change when the time comes....).

Good point about enter; there should be some sort of visual cue at least. Maybe a cursor would help as well, to let the players know they can type their name in. (I'm assuming you're talking about the new high score entry ... it's the only place with an enter that I can think of).

Mouse support is something that I just haven't added yet. Or gamepad/joystick. Guess I've got something to add to my to-do list on the next revision (hehe, yeah...I'm already working on it).

Two keys at once: That should be possible, although I know some keyboards will override arrow key combinations when another key is pressed (like spacebar). Hurm ... does it do the same thing if you use WASD instead?

The main menu is where the title graphic is supposed to go. Which I still don't have yet. LOL.

Sprites are from free graphics libraries--AI Wars, Sinistar, & SpriteLib, I believe ... Hard Vacuum might've crept in there as well. My main job was picking & choosing which pieces fit together. Heh, I'll have at least one of my own works coming up in the next revision for sure (a second enemy ship) & will try putting more in. There's not too much left of the game at present, so I'm not sure how much more original stuff I can add to it. (Anything original that I add will be fully available for others to use for anything/just give credit sort of thing, in the same spirit as the folks whom I drew on. ... Yup, the music, too. :-) LOL, if someone can find a use for it, that is.)

Anywho, sorry for the shabby response. Pressed for time tonight.
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