What this does is 'tween' a starting number to a destination number in a smooth transition. This can be used for scrolling text, sliding/fading images onto the screen, button rollover effects etc. Don't know what the hell I'm talking about? Check the attachments.
I wanted a quick and easy way of creating a transition without keeping track of any extra variables and be able to create destroy effects on the fly. This is what I came up with.
Function reference
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-- Sets the tween value of name to val only if it doesn't already exist. Use together with anim.simple
anim.start( string name, number val )
-- Starts the animation between the current value of name and dest in time seconds, using the equation function.
-- equation can be your own function or an ANIM_* function (check the top of anim.lua)
anim.simple( string name, number dest, number time, function equation, ... )
-- Similar to anim.simple but queues the animation after delay amount of seconds. Optional start value.
anim.queue( string name, number start, number dest, number time, number delay, function equation, ... )
-- Queues a function to run after delay amount of seconds. Passes ... to the function.
anim.callback( string name, number delay, function callback, ... )
-- Returns the current tween value of the animation or default if it doesn't exist.
anim.get( string name, number default )
anim.remove( string name )
anim.exists( string name )
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function update()
-- This is required
function mousepressed(x, y, btn)
-- Transition the current value of 'box_x' to a random position in 2seconds
-- If the 'box_x' animation doesn't exist yet, it will default to 0px.
anim.simple("box_x", math.random(400), 2)
function draw()
-- Get the value of 'box_x', if it doesn't exist yet (mousepressed hasn't been called) then
-- default to 0. We could change the default value to 200 and it would draw at 200px
-- until the animation starts.
local x = anim.get("box_x", 0)
love.graphics.rectangle(love.draw_fill, x, 0, 20, 20)
Now, this isn't finished. There are still a few things left to do and I'd like your opinion on a few things.
- I didn't realise there is an Animation object in love already, should I rename this to tween?
- If you need to alter the x and y values of something then you'll need two calls. Shall I use a table of values instead of a single number?
- Please reply asking if you can do ____. I'd like to help
Download: Last Update: 2008-08-15 00:34:07 BST
This is more updated than the one in the demos.