Issue Trackers

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Issue Trackers

Post by rude »

Mike and me (mostly Mike) have been working on a phpBB3-integrated issue tracker on and off for some time now, and today I found a mod called phpBB Tracker which completely voids that effort.

I've installed the mod and added two links in the header -- although I guess we need at least FIVE to keep qubodup satisfied. :ultraglee:

I encourage all LÖVErs to add bugs even if you've reported them before via the forum (although don't worry if you can't remember/find them; we have a private TODO list).

PS: I'm still on the lookout for an up-to-date Geshi mod for phpBB. The one called bbGeshi is the closest I've come so far, but still not good enough. Let me know if you make any discoveries.

EDIT: Seems to be some ISSUE with the issue tracker.
EDIT2: Fixed.
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Re: Issue Trackers

Post by mike »


EDIT: Wait, that was wrong. It should have been: :emo:
Now posting IN STEREO (where available)
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