grid ui?

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grid ui?

Post by ArgyleEyes »

Howdy, new round here I suppose. I float around.
anyway. I was gonna start off messing with shapes n such for starters since I'm more of an art man than coder. (mainly just server framework stuffs in c#) and its been awhile since I've heavily tinkered with that lol.

So umm I guess so far I'm just looking to make something like this? which I swear I've seen done in java before but I can't find it T_T
(pretty much the selected area expands to fill the area and shrinking the others.)
has anyone done something like this in löve? I've kinda looked around but havent mustered the strength to dive into any gui libraries yet... any suggestions? *shrugs*

I guess thats all I'm curious about for now..probs dig around some more and just read up on lua stuffs. (never messed with it outside of modding a recent card game)
oh..and i take it theres no one working on a
..isnt vlc in lua >.>
..sorry being much coffee.

lol thanks yall.
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Re: grid ui?

Post by Robin »

I don't think so. That's pretty advanced compared what is provided by GUI libraries around here.

What do you want to do with such a grid UI?
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Re: grid ui?

Post by ArgyleEyes »

I guess it would be rather time consuming... U_U
Figured I'd find that java one (still lookin) and just look at how it was done (math n such w/e) *hate*
pretty much just starting with drawing the rectangles and have them adjust shape based on which one is pressed/hovered within a larger unseen rectangle area... worry about adding content to the tiles later. something like a paperdoll, inventory, etc, etc interface but thats a ways off from now. just alil idea i wanted to mess with *shrugs*
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Re: grid ui?

Post by tentus »

Step 1: render a grid of items.
Step 2: figure out how to click items in the grid.
Step 3: rendered a clicked item at a different size
Step 4: render the other items at appropriate sizes.

It's not impossible by any means, but it's complicated where it should be simple. Are you sure the effect is worth it?

Edit: Not an elegant piece of code, but it ended up being kind of fun to write.

Code: Select all

function love.load()
	width = 4
	height = 4
	selected = { x = 1, y = 1 }

function love.draw()
	for x=1, width do
		for y=1, height do
			local rect = getPixels(x, y)"fill", unpack(rect))

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button )
	local mouse = {x, y, 1, 1}
	for x=1, width do
		for y=1, height do
			local rect = getPixels(x, y)
			if overlap(mouse, rect) then
				selected = { x = x, y = y }

function overlap(a, b)
	return not (a[1]+a[3] < b[1] or b[1]+b[3] < a[1] or a[2]+a[4] < b[2] or b[2]+b[4] < a[2])

function getPixels(x, y)
	local temp = {x * 100, y * 100, 90, 90}
	if selected.x == x then
		temp[3] = 190
	elseif x > selected.x then
		temp[1] = temp[1] + 100
	if selected.y == y then
		temp[4] = 190
	elseif y > selected.y then
		temp[2] = temp[2] + 100
	return temp
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Re: grid ui?

Post by ArgyleEyes »

thats pretty much what I'll be tinkerin around with.
If I manage doing that then I'm sure I could handle other silly ideas in the future.

*edit ~ahhh puhsha did you beat me to it?

-- pretty slick, I appreciate the example. :p
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