Zevv game

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Re: Zevv game

Post by zevv »

New version 20090128 adds joystick support when using love 0.5.0
osuf oboys
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Re: Zevv game

Post by osuf oboys »

Neat, but I think that it should keep track of the highscore. It is possible to move tiles while they're falling, I don't know if they is an intended feature. I found it nifty that you could with this replace a falling tile with one in a column.
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Re: Zevv game

Post by harrio »

zevv...i hate you...

i know this site is all about the love but i hate you because i can't stop playing this freaking game.

it gives me joy, like tetris, as i manuever and think myself clever and then it takes away my joy as i begin to erect multi-colored skyscrapers of doom.

this game is cool and addictive. i don't play alot of casual games, that's why i asked if it was original or some fan remake. either way...good job.
spreadin the love... http://harrio.tumblr.com
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Re: Zevv game

Post by zevv »

> zevv...i hate you...

You're welcome :)

> I know this site is all about the *love* but i hate you because i can't stop playing this freaking game.

That's because of the music. Try playing it without sound, you'll quickly get bored :)
(by the way: the music was shamelessly stolen from Desertplanet - Attack of the Mutant Mirages, 2003)

> it gives me joy, like tetris, as i manuever and think myself clever and then it takes away my joy as i begin
> to erect multi-colored skyscrapers of doom.

That's the most frustrating part of the game, there is *no* way of winning: in the end the blocks will always fall faster then you can handle them, piling up and building towers of frustration.

> this game is cool and addictive. i don't play alot of casual games, that's why i asked if it was original or some
> fan remake. either way...good job.

The gameplay is of course not really original, since it is clearly just a [variation on|rip of off] tetris, which humankind has been playing since the stone age. I've been told a similar (commercial) game exists, but I don't know any names or authors.

Anyway, good to hear you're enjoying it, even if this is in your own special way :)
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Re: Zevv game

Post by harrio »


i'm playing this thing at work. so i don't even play with the music on. now i'll probably never be able to stop.

you are evil.
spreadin the love... http://harrio.tumblr.com
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