<josefnpat> jondoe, may i make a suggestion?
<jondoe> most definitely
<slime74> issue #325
<knoll> Issue #325 - Allow ImageData objects to take a 2D array of pixels -
<josefnpat> use 0-9, A-F for your characters
<josefnpat> and just put them into a file
* hagish__ (~
hagish@pD9FBE0C0.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #love
<josefnpat> I did random 3600*1800 characters into a file, and suprise: it was 6.2MB
<josefnpat> You might as well use ASCII instead of writing things bitwise, unless you can actually write small bits
<josefnpat> I guess what I'm saying is:
<josefnpat> you're outputting into byte notation anyway. That's why it's screwing up
<josefnpat> in your lua, you need to read an entire byte to get the right values.
<jondoe> yeah it'd probably save me some pain
<josefnpat> or you need to reduce it down to a nibble in your hex editor
<josefnpat> you have 16 sprites, therefore you need a nibble. if you can switch your hex editor to nibble mode, and read in your lua via nibbles, you can reduce your map size by 50%
<josefnpat> but then you will be limited to 16 sprites (plus your default)
<josefnpat> if you want up to 32 sprites, you need 5 bits
<josefnpat> and you'd have to rencode absolutely everything
<jondoe> There'll probably be more sprites later, but I'm not very concerned about map size as long as it's not completely insane
<josefnpat> so you might as well keep bytes. and if you're going to keep bytes, you might as well spit characters out to your database.
<josefnpat> or whatever you want to call you *.map file
<josefnpat> if the map file gets updated a lot, you can do what notch does, and hashmap it.
<jondoe> ok thanks
<jondoe> I'll do this and see what happens
Good luck.