function love.update()
function love.draw()
--all the code
I hate to say it, but that simply cannot be true. Something is horribly wrong in the method of your testing if putting draw inside of update gives you the same results as having them separate.
if love.update then love.update(dt) end -- will pass 0 if love.timer is disabled
if then
if love.draw then love.draw() end
Do anyone understand why the program i made do those crazy thinks i wrote in my last posts?^^
I realy don´t know what´s going on. When i do things that should make the code faster, nothing happens. If edit the code in a horrible way, it just runs faster...
Once again, provide us with the code in a .zip or .love format so we can look at it. If you do not want to share your code there is very little we can do to help you.
Wombat wrote:I tested my Programm on 3 PC´s: 2 Dual Core and 1 Single Core One.
I found out that my game runs always very, very smoothie on the 2 dual core pc´s and always bad on the single core.
I would say that this is the OS problem. Are you using an antivirus software, or other resource-demanding task? Check disk/CPU usage while running your game (and while not running it).