save and load game data
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save and load game data
im having trouble figuring out how to save and load game data like say saving what level someone is on as well as the number of lives they have and the items in thier posession and such, so just saving and loading specific variables or tables is what im trying to do
Re: save and load game data
Something like this could work.
Code: Select all
function tab, filename )
local f = love.filesystem.newFile( filename or "savedata.txt", love.file_write ) f )
local data = ""
for i, v in pairs( tab ) do
data = data .. type(i) .. ";" .. i .. "=" .. type(v) .. ";" .. v .. "\n"
love.filesystem.write( f, data )
love.filesystem.close( f )
function table.load( filename )
if not love.filesystem.exists( filename or "savedata.txt" ) then return {}; end
local tab = {}
for line in love.filesystem.lines( filename or "savedata.txt" ) do
local eqpos = (line:find( "=" ))
local name = line:sub( 1, eqpos - 1 )
local nbreakpos = (name:find( ";"))
local nametype = name:sub( 1, nbreakpos - 1 )
local namevalue = name:sub( nbreakpos + 1 )
local data = line:sub( eqpos + 1 )
local breakpos = (data:find( ";" ))
local datatype = data:sub( 1, breakpos - 1 )
local value = data:sub( breakpos + 1 )
tab[_G["to" .. nametype]( namevalue )] = _G["to" .. datatype]( value )
return tab;
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